I am trying to add custom occupancy file to the 5ZoneAutoDxVAV idf, where for each zone, different occupancy is shown at each hour. I created a CSV file for each zones but I am not sure how to add it to the idf. I tried the following:
Schedule:File, SPACE1-1, !- Name for Small Zone 1 Occupancy Any Number, !- Schedule Type Limits Name C:\Users\SmallZone.csv, !- File Name 2, !- Column Number 0, !- Rows to Skip at Top , !- Number of Hours of Data , !- Column Separator (Using Tab) ; !- Interpolate to Timestep (No interpolation)
and then for SPACE5-1 People 1, !- Name SPACE5-1, , !- Zone Name OCCUPY-1, !- Occupancy Schedule people, !- Calculation Method 20, !- Number of People , !- People per Floor Area , !- Floor Area per Person 0.3, !- Fraction Radiant AutoCalculate, !- Sensible Heat Fraction ActSchd; !- Activity Schedule
But I get severe errors such as these:
* Severe * Line: 1651 Index: 17 - Field cannot be Autosize or Autocalculate * Severe * <root>[People][SPACE5-1 People 1][carbon_dioxide_generation_rate] - Value type "string" for input "ActSchd" not permitted by 'type' constraint. * Severe * <root>[People][SPACE5-1 People 1][number_of_people] - Value type "string" for input "people" not permitted by 'type' constraint. * Severe * <root>[People][SPACE5-1 People 1][number_of_people_calculation_method] - "OCCUPY-1" - Failed to match against any enum values. * Fatal * Errors occurred on processing input file. Preceding condition(s) cause termination. ...Summary of Errors that led to program termination: ..... Reference severe error count=4 ..... Last severe error=<root>[People][SPACE5-1 People 1][number_of_people_calculation_method] - "OCCUPY-1" - Failed to match against any enum values.
Can someone help me understand what is happening here?
Thank you