It sure would be nice to know how to configure in OpenStudioApp 1.7.0/OpenStudio 3.7.0 the ASHRAE 90.1-2010 Appendix G (Performance Rating Method) requirement for equal OA flows in the baseline and proposed building for a building with multiple variable speed AHU serving multiple simple reheat VAV terminal units. Aside from giving spooky results (like 100% OA) applying VRP to baseline and proposed would likely not give the same OA.
So for now, I am going by what the engineer tells me the OA/ft2 and OA/person requirements are (after their own VRP calculations), implement them as a DesignSpecificationOutdoorAir object for each space (can't apply them to a thermal zone), use ZoneSum everywhere and set OA flow rates in ControllerOutdoorAir and AirLoopHVAC to "autosize". This is me hoping that somehow the OA/ft2 and OA/person numbers in combination with identical occupancy schedules for baseline and proposed will yield said equal OA flows.
I'd welcome any thoughts advice. Thank you.