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Equal OA for ASHRAE 90.1 baseline and proposed in OpenStudio?

It sure would be nice to know how to configure in OpenStudioApp 1.7.0/OpenStudio 3.7.0 the ASHRAE 90.1-2010 Appendix G (Performance Rating Method) requirement for equal OA flows in the baseline and proposed building for a building with multiple variable speed AHU serving multiple simple reheat VAV terminal units. Aside from giving spooky results (like 100% OA) applying VRP to baseline and proposed would likely not give the same OA.

So for now, I am going by what the engineer tells me the OA/ft2 and OA/person requirements are (after their own VRP calculations), implement them as a DesignSpecificationOutdoorAir object for each space (can't apply them to a thermal zone), use ZoneSum everywhere and set OA flow rates in ControllerOutdoorAir and AirLoopHVAC to "autosize". This is me hoping that somehow the OA/ft2 and OA/person numbers in combination with identical occupancy schedules for baseline and proposed will yield said equal OA flows.

I'd welcome any thoughts advice. Thank you.

Equal OA for ASHRAE 90.1 baseline and proposed in OpenStudio?

It sure would be nice to know how to configure in OpenStudioApp 1.7.0/OpenStudio 3.7.0 the ASHRAE 90.1-2010 Appendix G (Performance Rating Method) requirement for equal OA flows in the baseline and proposed building for a building with multiple variable speed AHU serving multiple simple reheat VAV terminal units. Aside from giving spooky results (like 100% OA) applying VRP to baseline and proposed would likely not give the same OA.

So for now, I am going by what the engineer tells me the OA/ft2 and OA/person requirements are (after their own VRP calculations), implement them as a DesignSpecificationOutdoorAir object for each space (can't apply them to a thermal zone), use ZoneSum everywhere and set OA flow rates in ControllerOutdoorAir and AirLoopHVAC to "autosize". This is me hoping that somehow the OA/ft2 and OA/person numbers in combination with identical occupancy schedules for baseline and proposed will yield said equal OA flows.

I'd welcome any thoughts advice. Thank you.