Hi, I am re-writing a measure from my professor's former student and I am having issues while trying to open the updated measure in OpenStudio.
First, the OpenStudio ''Apply measure now'' window shows an error saying that it failed to show the measure's arguments. When looking at the metadata file (.xml) the second line of the file shows this error: <error>Failed to infer measure name from 'C:/Users/[path_to_measure]/measure.rb'</error>
There is also a single argument in the .xml file, called ''space_name'', while my measure calls for about 17 arguments.
When I try to update the .xml file using the OpenStudio CLI in the command promp, the error specifies that the error occur when I query the model to find the available AirLoopHVAC [model.getAirLoopHVAC] in order to build a choice argument. Note that the list created by the query is not implemented as an argument itself, only the user-selected loop is used as an argument. According to chatGPT, you shouldn't be able to query information in the ''arguments'' method. However, the measure created by the previous student used this method and it works without any issues.
The measure is written in Ruby.
What can I do to solve this problem?