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Heating Rate greater than Heating Design Capacity in a Low Temp Rad Var Flow

Hi, in a simple model of one zone heated with a LowTemperature Radiant Variable Flow by an AWHP it is strange for me to see values of the Radiant Heating Rate [W] higher than the Heating Design Capacity. This happens, both in case of hardsized and autosized values of the radiant system, even for higher than design outside air temperature. Regarding the Radiant Mass Flow Rate, it follow the set limit of the Design Size Maximum Hot Water Flow as expected. I'd like to understand why.

Heating Rate greater than Heating Design Capacity in a Low Temp Rad Var Flow

Hi, in a simple model of one zone heated with a LowTemperature Radiant Variable Flow by an AWHP it is strange for me to see values of the Radiant Heating Rate [W] higher than the Heating Design Capacity. This happens, both in case of hardsized and autosized values of the radiant system, even for higher than design outside air temperature. Regarding the Radiant Mass Flow Rate, it follow the set limit of the Design Size Maximum Hot Water Flow as expected. I'd like to understand why.