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Modeling electric resistance heater in CBECC

I am trying to model electric unit heater for a stairwell in CBECC Non-Res 2022 but for some reason when I use 'furnace' as my zone system and create a heating coil(electric resistance) with a fan, the output report spits out that there is a no cooling system for that stairwell and assigns it a random cooling coil capacity. It seems that the software is thinking that there should be a cooling happening although there is none. I have tried unchecking the box where it says 'add cooling system to meet the load' but no luck. Please guide if you have any idea.

Modeling electric resistance heater in CBECC

I am trying to model electric unit heater for a stairwell in CBECC Non-Res 2022 but for some reason when I use 'furnace' as my zone system and create a heating coil(electric resistance) with a fan, the output report spits out that there is a no cooling system for that stairwell and assigns it a random cooling coil capacity. It seems that the software is thinking that there should be a cooling happening although there is none. I have tried unchecking the box where it says 'add cooling system to meet the load' but no luck. Please guide if you have any idea.