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Initial temperature unmatching

Dear UnmetHours members,

Hello, I am developing fan-assisted mixed-mode ventilation algorithm in EnergyPlus 9.4.

I found unmatching between baseline(Window on/off control) and developing model (window on/off + Fan-assisted ventilation). (but not alarmed)

Although they have same inputs, same internal heat gain, same geometry and same EPW, their initial temperature differs at a start day of simulation (January, 1st).

The first figure shows baseline and the second figure shows developing model.

They are using ZoneIdealLoad (no limit). Only different inputs are EMS code and ceiling fan object. But I deactivate zone sizing option and turn off ceiling fan Fan-assisted ventilation model during unoccupied period (including simulation start point)

If you have experience in solving this kind of problem, please help me to solve.
