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Job List File (.csv) for jEPlus+EA (optimization)

asked 2024-09-06 03:21:19 -0600

Carmen's avatar

updated 2024-09-06 13:46:09 -0600

I am using jEPlus_EA_v2.1.0_beta_02 to optimize retrofit solutions applied to a set of buildings. I would like to create a matrix (job list file in .csv) with a set of possible combinations of solutions in jEPlus_v2.1.0 using LHS (or considering specific cases of buildings I want to analyze), and then optimize these specific solution combinations in jEPlus_EA_v2.1.0_beta_02 to optimize the same case studies under both current and future climate scenarios. I know that in jEPlus_v2.1.0 it is possible to incorporate a job list file in .csv with a data matrix and simulate the same cases under different conditions, but I am unable to do the same in jEPlus_EA_v2.1.0_beta_02 to optimize a specific matrix. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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answered 2024-09-10 04:21:04 -0600

Yi Zhang's avatar

You cannot "optimise" the cases in a job list file as it is not designed for that purpose. Optimisation is for an algorithm to search in a large design space by selecting which cases to test based on the "patterns" it has seen in the previous cases. A job list file contains hand-selected cases, which means the user already knows which cases to test. In this case, you just run the whole job list.

I can imagine a scenario where you want to limit the cases in which the algorithm should search within the overall search space. This can be done using the subdomain field in the variable definitions in jEPlus+EA. Or if you need to consider only combinations of certain parameter values, define them first as a combinatorial parameter in the jEPlus project before creating the optimisation project.

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Asked: 2024-09-06 03:21:19 -0600

Seen: 62 times

Last updated: Sep 10 '24