How to model a two-pipe Fan Coil unit in DesignBuilder ? DesignBuilder library does not have a two pipe fan coil unit template.

asked 2024-08-18 13:22:41 -0500

updated 2024-08-20 11:59:08 -0500

I am trying to model a six-storey student residence building in DesignBuilder having EnergyPlus as simulation engine. This is part of my PhD project. I do not have much experience in this modelling domain.

The actual building has a Two-pipe Fan Coil Unit (2P-FCU) installed.

Earlier I was using Simple HVAC: Ideal Loads system. This is giving me very erratic heating and cooling loads when compared with the actual energy consumption data (electricity and gas bills of actual building). The cooling loads were discrete with few hours having extremely high cooling loads while no cooling observed on several hours for the same day. The location is London ON. The setpoints defined are as: 22°C (heating), 24°C (cooling) with mech. ventilation.

Any insights to what could be done to improve so that my model can accurately predict the annual energy consumption of the residence building.

Now I would like to use Detailed HVAC system with Two-pipe Fan coil unit. Any help as to how to model it is highly appreciated.

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