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Simulation failed to run, with exit code 1, please help , i have been getting this error.

asked 2024-08-16 02:11:11 -0600

RANJIT KAUR's avatar

updated 2024-08-16 15:59:57 -0600

I am getting failed simulations, please help.

Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 23.2.0-7636e6b3e9, YMD=2024.08.16 11:32,
** Warning ** ManageSizing: For a zone sizing run, there must be at least 1 Sizing:Zone input object. SimulationControl Zone Sizing option ignored.
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Constant="ALWAYS ON DISCRETE", Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input -- will not be validated.
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Constant="ALWAYS OFF DISCRETE", Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input -- will not be validated.
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Constant="ALWAYS ON CONTINUOUS", Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input -- will not be validated.
** Warning ** GetHTSurfaceData: Surfaces with interface to Ground found but no "Ground Temperatures" were input.
**   ~~~   ** Found first in surface=FACE 16
**   ~~~   ** Defaults, constant throughout the year of (18.0) will be used.
** Severe  ** FenestrationSurface:Detailed="FACE 19", invalid blank Outside Boundary Condition Object
**   ~~~   ** ...when Base surface uses "Surface" as Outside Boundary Condition Object, subsurfaces must also specify specific surfaces in the adjacent zone.
** Severe  ** FenestrationSurface:Detailed="FACE 20", invalid blank Outside Boundary Condition Object
**   ~~~   ** ...when Base surface uses "Surface" as Outside Boundary Condition Object, subsurfaces must also specify specific surfaces in the adjacent zone.
** Severe  ** FenestrationSurface:Detailed="FACE 27", invalid blank Outside Boundary Condition Object
**   ~~~   ** ...when Base surface uses "Surface" as Outside Boundary Condition Object, subsurfaces must also specify specific surfaces in the adjacent zone.
** Severe  ** FenestrationSurface:Detailed="FACE 79", invalid blank Outside Boundary Condition Object
**   ~~~   ** ...when Base surface uses "Surface" as Outside Boundary Condition Object, subsurfaces must also specify specific surfaces in the adjacent zone.
** Severe  ** FenestrationSurface:Detailed="FACE 34", invalid blank Outside Boundary Condition Object
**   ~~~   ** ...when Base surface uses "Surface" as Outside Boundary Condition Object, subsurfaces must also specify specific surfaces in the adjacent zone.
** Severe  ** FenestrationSurface:Detailed="FACE 10", invalid blank Outside Boundary Condition Object
**   ~~~   ** ...when Base surface uses "Surface" as Outside Boundary Condition Object, subsurfaces must also specify specific surfaces in the adjacent zone.
** Severe  ** FenestrationSurface:Detailed="FACE 9", invalid blank Outside Boundary Condition Object
**   ~~~   ** ...when Base surface uses "Surface" as Outside Boundary Condition Object, subsurfaces must also specify specific surfaces in the adjacent zone.
** Severe  ** FenestrationSurface:Detailed="FACE 64", invalid blank Outside Boundary Condition Object
**   ~~~   ** ...when Base surface uses "Surface" as Outside Boundary Condition Object, subsurfaces must also specify specific surfaces in the adjacent zone.
** Severe  ** FenestrationSurface:Detailed="FACE 65", invalid blank Outside Boundary Condition Object
**   ~~~   ** ...when Base surface uses "Surface" as Outside Boundary Condition Object, subsurfaces must also specify specific surfaces in the adjacent zone.
** Severe  ** FenestrationSurface:Detailed="FACE 45", invalid blank Outside Boundary Condition Object
**   ~~~   ** ...when Base surface uses "Surface" as Outside Boundary Condition Object, subsurfaces must also specify specific surfaces in the adjacent zone.
** Severe  ** FenestrationSurface:Detailed="FACE 46", invalid blank Outside Boundary Condition Object
**   ~~~   ** ...when Base surface uses "Surface" as Outside Boundary Condition Object, subsurfaces must also specify specific surfaces in the adjacent zone.
** Severe  ** FenestrationSurface:Detailed="FACE 48", invalid blank Outside Boundary Condition Object
**   ~~~   ** ...when Base surface uses "Surface" as Outside Boundary Condition Object, subsurfaces must also specify specific surfaces in the adjacent zone.
** Severe  ** FenestrationSurface:Detailed="FACE ...
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answered 2024-08-17 05:45:14 -0600

updated 2024-08-17 05:52:30 -0600

Setting aside the handful of warnings, you only have one recurrent error :

... when Base surface uses "Surface" as Outside Boundary Condition Object, subsurfaces must also specify specific surfaces in the adjacent zone.

A "base surface" is an opaque wall or a roof, and in your case hosting one or more "subsurfaces" (e.g. doors, window, skylights). EnergyPlus is reporting that all of these interzone base surfaces are holding subsurfaces that do not have explicitly-stated outside boundary conditions. The fix is easy, as detailed in the IO Reference:

If Outside Boundary Condition for the base surface is Surface, this field should specify the subsurface in the opposing zone that is the counterpart to this subsurface. The constructions of the subsurface and opposing subsurface must match, except that, for multi-layer constructions, the layer order of the opposing subsurface’s construction must be the reverse of that of the subsurface.

BTW, a quick UMH search for "invalid blank Outside Boundary Condition" yields a dozen hits (some recent, some dating back 8 years or so) all offering the exact same advice. A friendly hint for future queries ...

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Asked: 2024-08-16 02:11:11 -0600

Seen: 209 times

Last updated: Aug 17 '24