Connecting demand sides of two loops with heat exchanger in EnergyPlus

asked 2024-08-13 14:52:28 -0500

Afshin's avatar

updated 2024-08-14 09:34:14 -0500

Hi Community,

I am trying to connect the demand sides of two different plant loops using a HeatExchanger:FluidToFluid in EnergyPlus. but the documentation specifies that one side of the heat exchanger must be connected to the supply side of one loop, while the other side must be connected to the demand side of a different loop. Can anyone provide guidance on how to achieve this configuration?

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Can you tell us why you want to do that please?

Anyways, a WaterHeater:Mixed with zero capacity could work.

Julien Marrec's avatar Julien Marrec  ( 2024-08-14 03:25:46 -0500 )edit

Thanks for your response, @Julien Marrec. Let me provide more details. I’m trying to model a DHW loop architecture shown in this image link text. and I’ve thought of an equivalent model in EnergyPlus as follows link text. I’m using a water heater as a storage tank and an ideal heat exchanger to simulate the return water going to the boiler. Does this E+ model make sense to you? I also appreciate any suggestion. Thank

Afshin's avatar Afshin  ( 2024-08-21 16:11:49 -0500 )edit