Go over the eplusout.err file:
************* Simulation Error Summary *************
** Warning ** The following Report Variables were requested but not generated -- check.rdd file
** ~~~ ** Either the IDF did not contain these elements, the variable name is misspelled,
** ~~~ ** or the requested variable is an advanced output which requires Output : Diagnostics, DisplayAdvancedReportVariables;
************* Key=*, VarName=ELECTRIC STORAGE CHARGE ENERGY, Frequency=TimeStep
************* Key=*, VarName=ELECTRIC STORAGE DISCHARGE ENERGY, Frequency=TimeStep
************* Key=*, VarName=TRANSFORMER OUTPUT ELECTRICITY ENERGY, Frequency=TimeStep
************* Key=*, VarName=ELECTRIC STORAGE DISCHARGE ENERGY, Frequency=TimeStep
************* Key=*, VarName=ELECTRIC STORAGE BATTERY CHARGE STATE, Frequency=TimeStep
************* Key=*, VarName=ELECTRIC STORAGE CHARGE POWER, Frequency=TimeStep
************* Key=*, VarName=ELECTRIC STORAGE CHARGE ENERGY, Frequency=TimeStep
************* Key=*, VarName=ELECTRIC STORAGE DISCHARGE POWER, Frequency=TimeStep
************* Key=*, VarName=ELECTRIC STORAGE DISCHARGE ENERGY, Frequency=TimeStep
The requested output variables are not listed in the .rdd file, so the requests are ignored. As suggested by @rraustad, try changing the electrical buss type ("DirectCurrentWithInverterDCStorage" instead of "DirectCurrentWithInverter"), e.g.:
Main Electric Load Center,
PV Array Generator,
DirectCurrentWithInverterDCStorage, !- Electrical Buss Type
PV Inverter,
LG Chem RESU16H Battery,
Works on my end.