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Openstudio result measure fails

asked 2024-07-20 04:31:18 -0500

updated 2024-07-22 12:20:08 -0500

Hi All,

I do have a problem with the openstudio result measure, the simulation fails every time I add this measure! could you please help with this issue? I tried many ways, but none of them worked!

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answered 2024-07-22 23:15:28 -0500

updated 2024-07-22 23:24:39 -0500

This is likely the same issue as reported here: openstudiocoalition/OpenStudioApplication#722 and due to this SDK issue: NREL/OpenStudio#5230

Bottom line is that OS SDK 3.8.0 removed from methods from the CLI that came from openstudio-extension-gem that were moved to C++ code, but that means every measure that relied on these broke. So a new version was released to the BCL, with a min_compatible tag of 3.8.0.

Unfortunately, the OS SDK does not consider that tag, so if you use an older CLI, like 3.7.0 (which the OpenStudioApplication 1.7.0 and 1.7.1 use), it will download that new version which is not compatible.

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Thank you Jullien for your answer, I did download the latest version of OpenStudio application, but no hope, so what are the other options or alternatives to use Openstudio measure such as results measure and thermal breakdown measure? I so appreciate it if you could share a step-by-step solution for how to solve this issue!'s avatar  ( 2024-07-30 22:28:35 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2024-07-20 04:30:48 -0500

Seen: 114 times

Last updated: Jul 22