OpenStudio "Create Typical Building" simulation fails due to EnergyManagementSystem error

asked 2024-06-28 17:33:34 -0500

pajordan's avatar

updated 2024-07-01 12:21:05 -0500

Hi, I'm trying to use available OpenStudio measures to simulate DOE prototype models with different HVAC systems.

I first used the "Create DOE Prototype Building" measure ( to generate a starting model - this seemed to work fine. I started with SmallOffice, 90.1-2016, 4C - the resulting model simulated fine and the results looked comparable to the DOE prototype model (from

Next I used the "Create Typical Building from Model" measure ( to update the target standard to 90.1-2019, change the HVAC system type to VRF (and HVAC heating source to Electricity), and left all other measure options at defaults. The measure was successful in creating a model, but when I go to simulate it fails: "EnergyPlus Terminated with a Fatal Error. Check eplusout.err log."

When I check the EnergyPlus error log it reports this:

** Severe  ** Invalid Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name =OFFICESMALL_BUSINESS_SCH
**   ~~~   ** For Output:Variable or Output:Meter = SCHEDULE VALUE
**   ~~~   ** Entered in EnergyManagementSystem:Sensor=BUSINESS_SENSOR
**   ~~~   ** Unique Key Name not found.
**  Fatal  ** Errors found in processing Energy Management System input. Preceding condition causes termination.

Is this something I can fix/adjust within OpenStudio? I can't find EMS in the OpenStudio App.

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