CBECC-Com daylighting controls inputs
How does CBECC-Com use daylighting controls in the simulation and what inputs are required?
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How does CBECC-Com use daylighting controls in the simulation and what inputs are required?
CBECC-Com determines daylit zones from the geometry of the space and the locations of skylights and windows when valid fenestration constructions have been assigned. When lighting power is above 120 W in a daylit zone, daylighting controls are required. Daylighting inputs include the amount of lighting controlled and the daylighting control type. Three types of controls are available: Continuous, Continuous Plus Off, and Stepped Switching. The Continuous controls can operate at any fraction between the minimum and maximum power output. With the Continuous Plus Off controls, the minimum power output is zero. The Stepped Switching controls changes the lighting power output in discrete uniform steps.
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Asked: 2014-11-04 18:53:47 -0600
Seen: 213 times
Last updated: Nov 05 '14