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OpenStudio Year/Week/Day Schedule trouble

asked 2024-06-17 21:10:36 -0600

mattkoch's avatar

updated 2024-06-18 10:31:02 -0600

I was playing with the Year/Week/Day Schedules in OpenStudio-3.7.0. The following is an example:

{abaae976-8a76-4786-a0c5-0c4754d162b2}, !- Handle
STL Fraction,                           !- Name
0,                                      !- Lower Limit Value
1,                                      !- Upper Limit Value
Continuous,                             !- Numeric Type
Dimensionless;                          !- Unit Type

{866e0603-816b-4d3a-8719-712f3e301e60}, !- Handle
SD Solar Transmittance - All Days,      !- Name
{abaae976-8a76-4786-a0c5-0c4754d162b2}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
No,                                     !- Interpolate to Timestep
24,                                     !- Hour 1
0,                                      !- Minute 1
0.15;                                   !- Value Until Time 1

{c729a72e-c91b-43ed-9390-068a3c82c760}, !- Handle
SW Solar Transmittance - All Weeks,     !- Name
,                                       !- Schedule Rendering Name
{866e0603-816b-4d3a-8719-712f3e301e60}, !- Sunday Schedule:Day Name
{866e0603-816b-4d3a-8719-712f3e301e60}, !- Monday Schedule:Day Name
{866e0603-816b-4d3a-8719-712f3e301e60}, !- Tuesday Schedule:Day Name
{866e0603-816b-4d3a-8719-712f3e301e60}, !- Wednesday Schedule:Day Name
{866e0603-816b-4d3a-8719-712f3e301e60}, !- Thursday Schedule:Day Name
{866e0603-816b-4d3a-8719-712f3e301e60}, !- Friday Schedule:Day Name
{866e0603-816b-4d3a-8719-712f3e301e60}, !- Saturday Schedule:Day Name
{866e0603-816b-4d3a-8719-712f3e301e60}, !- Holiday Schedule:Day Name
{866e0603-816b-4d3a-8719-712f3e301e60}, !- SummerDesignDay Schedule:Day Name
{866e0603-816b-4d3a-8719-712f3e301e60}, !- WinterDesignDay Schedule:Day Name
{866e0603-816b-4d3a-8719-712f3e301e60}, !- CustomDay1 Schedule:Day Name
{866e0603-816b-4d3a-8719-712f3e301e60}; !- CustomDay2 Schedule:Day Name

{2dcb64a5-6a91-458b-a136-5e581872632b}, !- Handle
SY Solar Transmittance,                 !- Name
{abaae976-8a76-4786-a0c5-0c4754d162b2}; !- Schedule Type Limits Name

This is embedded in a larger model with many other such schedules, and when I run that model, the following error shows up for all those schedules.

** Severe  ** ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Year="SY SOLAR TRANSMITTANCE" has missing days in its schedule pointers

From what I can tell by the above OS objects, I seem to have all days covered?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

OOPS, I think there is a part missing from OS:Schedule:Year - I don't have access to that right now, hope I can backfill that tomorrow.

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Could you try the same in 3.8.0 please? I don't feel like investigating something that might have already been fixed (could be for eg). Also, code to repro the schedule creation is a major plus!

Julien Marrec's avatar Julien Marrec  ( 2024-06-18 01:58:12 -0600 )edit

Thank you Julien. The last bit of OS:Schedule:Year where OS:Schedule:Week would be inserted with dates was not generated by my scripts after all. Interestingly, when I create these schedules BEFORE selecting a weather file, it works OK, but not if I do that AFTER selecting such. My OS:Schedule:Year uses OS:Date(MonthOfYear,DayOfMonth), where the year seems to default to 2009. Without weather file, OpenStudio seems to not care about this. With a TMY weather file, that file seems to assume 2006, which seems to collide with 2009 from OS:Date and then prevents insertion of OS:Schedule:Week.

mattkoch's avatar mattkoch  ( 2024-06-18 19:11:16 -0600 )edit

I have fixed this by using year_description = model.getYearDescription() and year_description.setCalendarYear(year), such that year = EpwFile().startDateActualYear() when the weather file is an AMY, and year = 2009 when it is a TMY. And then later on use year = model.getYearDescription().calendarYear() for use in OS:Date(MonthOfYear,DayOfMonth,year). This may not be 100% correct or efficient, but it seems to so the trick. I do not think it has anything to do with 3.7.0 vs. 3.8.0, unless 3.8.0 manages weather files and OS:Date differently.

mattkoch's avatar mattkoch  ( 2024-06-18 19:25:27 -0600 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2024-06-18 12:52:38 -0600

I don't know how you are creating the schedule, but it appears that your OS:Schedule:Week is not being referenced (by the OS:Schedule:Year).

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Thank you shorowit, please see my comments above. Your assessment was correct. My script mistake, or maybe some OpenStudio default year confusion. Sorry for the inconvenience.

mattkoch's avatar mattkoch  ( 2024-06-18 19:30:50 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2024-06-17 21:10:36 -0600

Seen: 140 times

Last updated: Jun 18 '24