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Jeplus output not aggregating results for a particular table in html file, column header present but reporting 0 as value, HTML output has values. and other RVX parameters are getting reported.

asked 2024-06-12 12:26:04 -0600

ajith's avatar

Jeplus is not reporting the reporting variable illuminance, from "Illuminance Level OccupantHours" in the html file. Other RVX parameters such as cooling energy and comfort is getting reported (please find the attached image screenshotimage description). I made sure that there is no spelling or spacing problem in the RVX parameters. Is there any particular edit i have to do in IDF file, apart from the output table style; CommaAndHTML.! image description

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2 Answers

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answered 2024-06-14 03:57:28 -0600

Yi Zhang's avatar

Thanks for sharing the project files! It is an issue with column headers. In the CSV file, it is as such:

,,A Bit Dark (<= 100 lux) [hr],Dim (> 100, <= 300 lux) [hr],Adequate (> 300, <= 500 lux) [hr],Bright (>500 lux) [hr]

The commas within the column headers are interpreted as separators by jEPlus. I need to think about how to handle this. In the meantime, a way to get around it is by shifting the headers as jEPlus reads it, i.e. to assign "<= 300 lux) [hr]" to the column's field in RVX, instead of "Adequate (> 300, <= 500 lux) [hr]".

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@Yi Zhang, This hack reports a number, but its not the actual value that's in the HTML files (and the reported number is the same for all the jobs). There is still some problem with collecting the illuminance values.

Also, the numbers that've been reported for cooling load/ comfort rvx parameters are also different when I check with the respective HTML file for that particular job. I am not sure how Jeplus is getting these random numbers. You can find the files here. Please help me to find the bug. Thanks

ajith's avatar ajith  ( 2024-07-27 04:43:24 -0600 )edit

@Yi Zhang, For now, I have found a solution using Python code, to collect the values from eplustbl files manually looping through all folders. But please do find a solution for this.

ajith's avatar ajith  ( 2024-07-27 15:32:36 -0600 )edit

answered 2024-06-13 01:53:09 -0600

adrsnt's avatar

updated 2024-06-13 03:26:23 -0600

Can you share the HTML file? Or also the .CSV

Is it the space between Occupied and Hours in the field "From table"?

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Hi, please find the files in this folder. . The space is there in the HTML file too.

ajith's avatar ajith  ( 2024-06-13 04:36:30 -0600 )edit

By inspecting the element, it seems that the the report does have one space in front of "Annual", take a look at the screenshot:

Does it work now?

Be sure to uncheck the simulation so it just gathers the .csv again without running all simulations again

adrsnt's avatar adrsnt  ( 2024-06-13 05:39:56 -0600 )edit

@adrinsnnt , No its still not collecting the visual resilience value. I tried with a 'space' in front.

ajith's avatar ajith  ( 2024-06-13 06:14:44 -0600 )edit

Inspect element in others like "Entire Facility" it also seems to have a space with this. Maybe check the .csv instead of the .html to confirm this is the issue

adrsnt's avatar adrsnt  ( 2024-06-13 06:46:36 -0600 )edit

I checked for all the typo issues. Nothing works out. All other tables are working. The problem arises just with this visual resilience table. Is it a problem with symbols (<, >) etc. Which is part of the table column header. ?

ajith's avatar ajith  ( 2024-06-13 15:48:34 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2024-06-12 12:26:04 -0600

Seen: 198 times

Last updated: Jun 14 '24