How to use setpoints for controlling the zone return temperature?

asked 2024-06-12 09:22:49 -0600

Pepijn's avatar

updated 2024-06-12 15:04:14 -0600

I'm modelling a single zone air loop which is cooled using a cooling coil. I can use a setpoint to control the temperature which leaves the cooling coil, but I'm more interested in controlling the temperature that leaves the zone (and thus enters the cooling coil).

I tried:

  • Putting a "SetpointManager:Scheduled" on this node, but I get an error that not all nodes have a setpoint attached.

  • Putting setpoint manager on the leaving and entering nodes, but then the entering node overwrites the leaving node.

Anybody who knows how to solve this?

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I may be completely mistaken about what you wish to accomplish, but the temperature leaving the zone should be pretty close to the zone temperature itself. And that is controlled via the zone's thermostat and the setpoint schedule assigned to the thermostat. So I would make sure the zone has a thermostat and the thermostat has a setpoint schedule.

mattkoch's avatar mattkoch  ( 2024-06-18 19:52:49 -0600 )edit