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Any idea why these errors show up when I load my .osm file?

asked 2024-06-10 04:37:39 -0600

MHW's avatar

updated 2024-06-12 15:10:58 -0600

When I load my .osm file into SketchUp, it shows a dialog box namely "OpenStudio: Input File Errors and Warnings" with following error list:

Error: Surface 256 This planar surface shares the same SketchUp face as Surface 499. This error cannot be automatically fixed. The surface will not be drawn.

Error: Surface 510 This planar surface shares the same SketchUp face as Surface 243. This error cannot be automatically fixed. The surface will not be drawn.

Error: Surface 512 This planar surface shares the same SketchUp face as Surface 244. This error cannot be automatically fixed. The surface will not be drawn.

Error: Surface 503 This planar surface shares the same SketchUp face as Surface 245. This error cannot be automatically fixed. The surface will not be drawn.

Error: Surface 508 This planar surface shares the same SketchUp face as Surface 254. This error cannot be automatically fixed. The surface will not be drawn.

Error: Surface 500 This planar surface shares the same SketchUp face as Surface 252. This error cannot be automatically fixed. The surface will not be drawn.

Error: Surface 501 This planar surface shares the same SketchUp face as Surface 253. This error cannot be automatically fixed. The surface will not be drawn.

Error: Surface 250 This planar surface shares the same SketchUp face as Surface 509. This error cannot be automatically fixed. The surface will not be drawn.

Error: Surface 506 This planar surface shares the same SketchUp face as Surface 247. This error cannot be automatically fixed. The surface will not be drawn.

Error: Surface 507 This planar surface shares the same SketchUp face as Surface 249. This error cannot be automatically fixed. The surface will not be drawn.

Error: Surface 504 This planar surface shares the same SketchUp face as Surface 248. This error cannot be automatically fixed. The surface will not be drawn.

Error: Surface 505 This planar surface shares the same SketchUp face as Surface 246. This error cannot be automatically fixed. The surface will not be drawn.

Error: Surface 251 This planar surface shares the same SketchUp face as Surface 502. This error cannot be automatically fixed. The surface will not be drawn.

Error: Surface 255 This planar surface shares the same SketchUp face as Surface 511. This error cannot be automatically fixed. The surface will not be drawn.

Error: Sub Surface 240 This sub surface is missing its base surface, it cannot be drawn.

Error: Sub Surface 241 This sub surface is missing its base surface, it cannot be drawn.

Error: Sub Surface 245 This sub surface is missing its base surface, it cannot be drawn.

Error: Sub Surface 243 This sub surface is missing its base surface, it cannot be drawn.

Error: Sub Surface 232 This sub surface is missing its base surface, it cannot be drawn.

Error: Sub Surface 247 This sub surface is missing its base surface, it cannot be drawn.

Error: Sub Surface 246 This sub surface is missing its base surface, it cannot be drawn ... (more)

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2 Answers

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answered 2024-06-15 09:58:29 -0600

MHW's avatar

updated 2024-06-15 09:59:01 -0600

Alright, seems like we figured out the root cause of the above errors: it turns out that if you copy the windows (sub-surfaces) into other levels, such errors arise. If at all, one wants to copy/duplicate levels to save time. Following workflow shall be followed (based on my experience):

  1. Just select the level(s) you want to copy (there shall be no windows or any sub-surfaces in such levels).
  2. Select the "Move" command from palette and press "Ctrl" key from keyboard to duplicate/replicate/copy levels.
  3. After you are done with copying the selected levels, you are safe to add sub-surfaces to the building envelope.
  4. Here, I would also add that, always run the "Surface Matching" script before adding the sub-surfaces (windows etc.)

Few tips: Keep saving your .osm model at each step and consistently check the warning/error log (the orange triangle with exclamation mark), to make sure its going well or not - that way you can always go to the previously saved .osm file, in case the current one comes up with errors.

I would like to extend my gratitude and thanks to Denis and Jamie, whose answers (above) undoubtedly were helpful and a guiding source. Much appreciated guys!

PS: Anyone, please upvote if you find this helpful. Cheers!

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answered 2024-06-10 06:56:09 -0600

Can these errors be ignored? Probably not a good idea. Good news is that you only have 10 orphaned subsurfaces, and 14 surface duplicates to fix. I've come across WAY worse.

Are those 10 (fenestrated?) subsurfaces unintended artefacts in your model (to delete)? If so, open the .osm file with a text editor, CTRL-F their identifiers (e.g. "Sub Surface 240"), then CTRL-F their respective (unique) alphanumeric handles. If the number of search matches == 1, then it's probably safe to select each subsurface entry and CTRL-X.

If these 10 subsurfaces are instead meant to be there, then identify which (base) surfaces should be their parents (e.g. compare their vertices). Then copy/paste respective base surface handles vis-à-vis "!- Surface Name" (each subsurface entry has one).

For the 14 duplicate surfaces, I'd try something similar. CTRL-F their identifiers (e.g. "Surface 256" and "Surface 499"), and compare their vertices (as well as their designated spaces). CTRL-F their respective handles. If search matches == 1 for either one, then it's probably also safe to delete 1 from each paired duplicates.

I'd first try this out on a copy of the original .osm!

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Hi Denis,

Thanks for your response.

Interesting. I haven't tried this yet but I will surely give it a go, and let you know if this works. Should I need more guidance will add (ask in) another comment.

By the way, what causes these errors to arise? I imported the DXF file of the building floor plans in to SketchUp and made building envelopes from there. Does this act as a catalyst in causing the above errors somehow?


MHW's avatar MHW  ( 2024-06-10 10:01:21 -0600 )edit

"what causes these errors to arise?". Dunno. OpenStudio doesn't import DXF, SketchUp does. So the issue would lie somewhere in the 2-step DXF > SKP > OSM conversion. Hoping someone with more hands on experience with DXF-to-OSM import can chime in ...

Denis Bourgeois's avatar Denis Bourgeois  ( 2024-06-10 11:14:23 -0600 )edit

What tends to cause the problems is drawing and deleting geometry in sketchup, particularly adjusting windows. It's common for walls to get duplicated, or for windows to lose their reference to their surface causing them to be unable to be drawn (I discuss some similar issues here).

My advice to minimise issues is to be careful around complex geometry, and to regularly save and reopen versions of your model as you work so you can catch problems before they blow up.

Jamie Sullivan's avatar Jamie Sullivan  ( 2024-06-10 18:34:00 -0600 )edit

@Jamie, I think that might be it - we did move spaces/windows while modeling - my understanding is that OS picks up gaps within model even if these are in fraction of millimeters (my guess this happens while moving/adjusting blocks/spaces), which result into such errors.

I have had this experience with SketchUp/OpenStudio Plugin before as well (the older plug-in versions to be precise). The newer plug-in versions seem to be more robust, nevertheless the above errors do persist. I will be mindful of this, if we end up re-doing the model from the scratch. Thank you guys, much appreciated!

MHW's avatar MHW  ( 2024-06-11 03:46:26 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2024-06-10 04:37:39 -0600

Seen: 246 times

Last updated: Aug 20 '24