Overwrite supply air temperature or flow rate or just simple Phvac in EnergyPlus

asked 2024-05-29 13:34:53 -0600

zertion's avatar

Hi, I am still struggling with how to overwrite supply air temperature or flow rate or just simple Phvac in EnergyPlus, by its Python API. Here is something I tried:

1) getting actuator_handle

"api.exchange.get_actuator_handle(state, "System Node Setpoint", "Temperature Setpoint","AIR LOOP OUTLET NODE_UNIT1")"

2) overwrite

def overwrite(state):
    if api.exchange.warmup_flag(state) == 0:
        supply_temp = 12
        supply_flow = 0.5
        api.exchange.set_actuator_value(state, supply_temp_handle, supply_temp)
        api.exchange.set_actuator_value(state, supply_flow_handle, supply_flow)

state = api.state_manager.new_state()
api.runtime.callback_begin_zone_timestep_after_init_heat_balance(state, overwrite)

However, this way does not work. (Nothing updated)

I tried so many things, but I feel only the temperature setpoint, which is schedule-based, can be overwritten correctly. Is there anyone who could help me with it?

Thank you!

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