Ideal Air Cooling Load but no Heating Load

asked 2024-05-17 08:53:48 -0500

DSMEAEP's avatar

updated 2024-05-18 17:47:09 -0500

Hi guys, very new to all EP and Open studios. Im modeling a single story building using ideal air loads currently. I have a few different stpt schedules for heating and cooling as there are a few different systems there. I can run the simulation however everytime I do I dont get a heating load at all. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. My current model can be found here:


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Hello, Check whether your heating setpoint schedule is sensible; try to tweak the values so that heating will definitely get triggered. I switched off the heating by doing so, so maybe this might work for you.

ajith's avatar ajith  ( 2024-05-20 07:27:39 -0500 )edit

Hi ajith, I actually saw a comment on github where OS is switching the District Heating load to District Water Heating for some reason and thats why it isnt showing up,

DSMEAEP's avatar DSMEAEP  ( 2024-05-20 08:10:41 -0500 )edit