How is peakEnergyDemandByMonth calculated?

asked 2024-04-29 13:57:04 -0500

updated 2024-04-30 08:14:49 -0500

In the sql object there is the peakEnergyDemandByMonth method.

How is it calculated? Does it correspond the cooling load for each month?

I am asking because I would like to estimate the total electricity demand for my building and I am using ideal loads. This means that I need to estimate the electricity associated witht districtCooling.

I think I was able to reproduce it in this way.

First add a meter

output_meter_district_cooling =

Then get the timeSeries, calculate the maximum and divide by 3600 (for hourly frequency). This assumes that the rate is approximately constant during an hour.

data = sql.timeSeries(env_pd, "Hourly", "DistrictCooling:Facility")[0]
peak = data.values.to_a.max/3600.0

It is not exactly the same as peakEnergyDemandByMonth, but it is close enough.

Is this the right approach?

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