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Additional Lighting Power Allowance in new Appendix G

asked 2024-04-04 11:09:22 -0600

updated 2024-04-04 11:15:46 -0600

Seeking some clarification around Lighting Power Allowances for 90.1-2016/2019/2022 Appendix G/PRM. This is specific to the “Additional Interior Lighting Power” allowances permitted in Section 9.6.

Per the 2016 and 2019 versions the values from Table G3.7, the “Additional Interior Lighting Power” allowances are not addressed. Only the general allowances for ‘Sales Floor’ or ‘Retail Facilities’ are in the tables. The PNNL guide for the 2016 version includes the “Additional Lighting Power: Retail Display Lighting Power” allowances on Page 3.40. And these allowances align to 90.1-2004 requirements which ‘new G’ is based upon; Retail 1,2,3 = 1.6W/sf; Retail 4 = 3.9 W/sf. However, this is the PNNL guide and NOT the code or ASHARE User Manual - but it is correct.

Checking the 2022 version, the allowances are not noted in either Table G3.7-1 or G3.7-2; but in the Table G3.1>Part 6>Baseline Building> it states “…the Baseline building design retail display lighting additional power shall be equal to the limits established by Section or same as proposed, which ever is less.” Section points to Table for these values. Retail 1,2=0.4W/sf; Retail 3=0.70 W/sf; Retail 4=1.0 W/sf. This is (wildly) not inline with the 2004 Standard. It removes what should be an advantage by having ‘which ever is less’ and is an extremely low value given the BPFs for retail are in the 0.51-0.41 range.

So – how have others handled the omission of these allowances in the 2016 and 2019 code? Completely ignoring the allowance (severely) limits a proposed design. Treating these the same for proposed to baseline also limits the design to newer code allowances when the compliance threshold is based upon a much older code. Have AHJ’s accepted the PNNL Guidance?

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answered 2024-04-06 03:29:41 -0600

Keigo's avatar

updated 2024-04-08 10:34:38 -0600

I might be able to help you in part.

90.1-2019 has addenda: Addenda af, bc, cd, and db to Standard 90.1-2019 (November 16, 2020). Same as 90.1-2022.

image description

For 90.1-2016, I couldn't find similar addenda. Personally, I would model the additional lighting power in the Baseline case in the same way as 90.1-2022 and 90.1-2016 addenda. I often refer to the PNNL guide, but it could be incorrect as PNNL have never issued any errata or adddenda to the guide.


Regarding your comment, below is the comparison of different versions.

image description

I only have SI units versions in hand, so my conversion from W/sqm to W/sqf might be a bit inaccurate, but the table is enough to trace the transition. The additional lighting power allowance has been gradually reduced. The allowance for 90.1-2022 makes sense to me.

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@Keigo - thanks for the reply. This was my concern as the limits listed in the 2022 are 0.4 / 0.7 / 1.0 vs 1.6 / 3.4 in the 2004. Further deviation from a 'true' 2004 baseline.

dradair's avatar dradair  ( 2024-04-08 08:17:40 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2024-04-04 11:09:22 -0600

Seen: 130 times

Last updated: Apr 08 '24