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How is the U-factor estimated for insulation cases classified as 'None' or 'Uninsulated' within the ResStock tool, and what assumptions or default values are used in this estimation process?

asked 2024-03-30 21:11:18 -0500

Mia's avatar

updated 2024-03-31 09:19:23 -0500


I was just curious to know how ResStock treats cases like 'Insulation Ceiling' with Option=None or Uninsulated. As defined in options_lookup.tsv, it was assumed for that case: ceiling_assembly_r=0 and ceiling_insulation_r=0. So, how the U-factor is estimated for such cases? I am looking to use buildstock generated by ResStock and its options_lookup.tsv for a different modeling tool.

Also, I was wondering if it is possible to reproduce the same buildstock as 2024.1 Release or 2022.1 Release.


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answered 2024-04-02 11:34:59 -0500

For any given wall, there is a wall_assembly_r in options_lookup.tsv. For example, it's R-3.4 for an uninsulated wood stud wall. However, note that a siding R-value (e.g., here) and/or continuous insulation R-value (e.g., here) can get added to it.

If you want to confirm the overall assembly R-value (or U-factor), you can find it directly in the HPXML file that is produced for a building with a specific set of parameters. It would look something like this and will include interior and exterior air films.

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@shorowit ... Thank you so much for the information!

Mia's avatar Mia  ( 2024-04-16 12:34:28 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2024-03-30 18:58:47 -0500

Seen: 156 times

Last updated: Apr 02 '24