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I get error: An unhandled exception has occurred.

asked 2024-03-14 12:47:44 -0600

rtaheri's avatar

updated 2024-03-14 15:24:29 -0600

When importing an gbXML file into OpenStudio, I get this error: An unhandled exception has occurred. /Users/Jenkins/git/OpenStudioFull/3.7/0-mac_linking/src/utilities/time/Date.cpp@382 : Bad Date: year = 1, month = Jan(1), day = 1

I have a Mac OS 13.6.4 I have installed OpenStudioApplication-1.7.0. The gbXML file comes from ARCHICAD 27 Energy Simulation.

We tried on PC, same error comes: An unhandled exception has occurred. D:OSN\src\utilities\time\Date.cpp@382: Bad Date: year = 1, month = Jan(1), day = 1

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2 Answers

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answered 2024-03-15 09:41:45 -0600

The gbXML appears to have a date with the year set as 1, which doesn't make sense since it should be 2024 or similar. You can manually edit the file in a text editor to fix the date.

But you should also tell Archicad to fix their software. Apparently their software sometimes, or used to, set the year as 0, which also causes problems.

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answered 2024-03-26 10:03:09 -0600

rtaheri's avatar

Thank you Scott. I checked ARCHICAD has date, however, it seems OpenStudio reads the hour of the day as year. Can you please check this XML text? I appreciate any advice.

<documenthistory> <programinfo id="gs-arch-1"> <companyname>Graphisoft</companyname> <productname>Archicad</productname> <version>27.0.0 USA v1(3001)</version> </programinfo> <personinfo id="gs-arch-usr-1"> <firstname>Client</firstname> <lastname>Company</lastname> <companyname>Taheri Achitecture, Inc.</companyname> </personinfo> <createdby date="Mar 25, 2024 at 5:28:21 PM" personid="gs-arch-usr-1" programid="gs-arch-1"/> </documenthistory>

<schedule id="mins-1-YearSchedule"> <name>Lecture room, auditorium</name> <yearschedule id="mins-1-YearSchedule"> <begindate>01:00 Jan. 01</begindate> <enddate>24:00 Dec. 30</enddate> <weekscheduleid weekscheduleidref="mins-1-Week"/> </yearschedule> </schedule>

<schedule id="maxs-2-YearSchedule"> <name>Lecture room, auditorium</name> <yearschedule id="maxs-2-YearSchedule"> <begindate>01:00 Jan. 01</begindate> <enddate>24:00 Dec. 30</enddate> <weekscheduleid weekscheduleidref="maxs-2-Week"/> </yearschedule> </schedule>

<schedule id="ls-3-YearSchedule"> <name>Lecture room, auditorium</name> <yearschedule id="ls-3-YearSchedule"> <begindate>01:00 Jan. 01</begindate> <enddate>24:00 Dec. 30</enddate> <weekscheduleid weekscheduleidref="ls-3-Week"/> </yearschedule> </schedule>

<schedule id="eqs-4-YearSchedule"> <name>Lecture room, auditorium</name> <yearschedule id="eqs-4-YearSchedule"> <begindate>01:00 Jan. 01</begindate> <enddate>24:00 Dec. 30</enddate> <weekscheduleid weekscheduleidref="eqs-4-Week"/> </yearschedule> </schedule>

<schedule id="ps-5-YearSchedule"> <name>Lecture room, auditorium</name> <yearschedule id="ps-5-YearSchedule"> <begindate>01:00 Jan. 01</begindate> <enddate>24:00 Dec. 30</enddate> <weekscheduleid weekscheduleidref="ps-5-Week"/> </yearschedule> </schedule>

<weekschedule id="mins-1-Week" type="Temp"> <name>Lecture room, auditorium</name> <day dayscheduleidref="mins-1-Day" daytype="All"/> </weekschedule>

<weekschedule id="maxs-2-Week" type="Temp"> <name>Lecture room, auditorium</name> <day dayscheduleidref="maxs-2-Day" daytype="All"/> </weekschedule>

<weekschedule id="ls-3-Week" type="ActivityLevel"> <name>Lecture room, auditorium</name> <day dayscheduleidref="ls-3-Day" daytype="All"/> </weekschedule>

<weekschedule id="eqs-4-Week" type="ActivityLevel"> <name>Lecture room, auditorium</name> <day dayscheduleidref="eqs-4-Day" daytype="All"/> </weekschedule>

<weekschedule id="ps-5-Week" type="ActivityLevel"> <name>Lecture room, auditorium</name> <day dayscheduleidref="ps-5-Day" daytype="All"/> </weekschedule>

<dayschedule id="mins-1-Day" type="Temp"> <name>Lecture room, auditorium</name> <schedulevalue>12.00000000</schedulevalue> <schedulevalue>12.00000000</schedulevalue>

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I changed hours to years, in xml, the error for year disappeared, however another error message came, that An unexpected error: Vector By the way, once the model was downloaded, but some of the walls (maybe in shade appeared as windows. I put another question for this.

rtaheri's avatar rtaheri  ( 2024-03-26 15:36:32 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2024-03-14 12:47:44 -0600

Seen: 173 times

Last updated: Mar 26 '24