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I am getting error like - In calculating the design coil UA for Coil:Cooling:Water

asked 2024-02-21 07:58:53 -0600

Yagnik's avatar

updated 2024-02-21 11:19:15 -0600

for more detailed error message -

** Warning ** In calculating the design coil UA for Coil:Cooling:Water THERMAL ZONE: A013 COOLING COIL
**   ~~~   ** the outlet chilled water design enthalpy is greater than the inlet air design enthalpy.
**   ~~~   ** To correct this condition the design chilled water flow rate will be increased from 2.49319E-006
**   ~~~   ** to 6.01354E-006 m3/s
** Severe  ** Calculation of cooling coil design UA failed for coil THERMAL ZONE: A013 COOLING COIL
**   ~~~   **   Bad starting values for UA
**   ~~~   **  Coil design UA set to 245.887736 [W/C]

Any ideas on how to fix this?

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answered 2024-02-21 11:35:28 -0600

It may be that the Sizing:Zone Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio is higher than what is calculated for the coil inlet air humidity ratio (i.e., mixing return air and outdoor air)? You could try lowering the Sizing:Zone cooling supply air hum rat. Also try lowering the same variable in the Coil:Cooling:Water object if the Sizing:Zone change does not work. It looks like this warning needs more information so the user can figure out what is wrong (e.g., inlet air temp, inlet air hum rat, outlet air temp, outlet air hum rat, etc).

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Asked: 2024-02-21 07:58:53 -0600

Seen: 296 times

Last updated: Feb 21 '24