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Seeking Insights on Abnormal Cooling Behavior in EnergyPlus Air-Chiller Model

asked 2024-01-28 11:25:16 -0600

Zakaria's avatar

Hello everyone,

I have been trying to model a 38 m3 walk-in freezer using EnergyPlus and I have been inspired by the Refrigerated Warehouse example in EnergyPlus. The model uses the Air-Chiller object to model the cooling coils. I have used a EuropeanSC3NominalWet for Capacity Rating Type with -24°C as Evaporating Temperature. The thermostat is regulated to cool at -18°C and stop at -22°C. I have used a compressor with a 4.66 kW cooling capacity, and the performance data are found at the BITZER online tool. The simulation is run on the hottest day of the year with a 43°C and 20°C, respectively.

The model gives some coherent results, as shown in the figures below. It can be seen from Fig.2 to 4 that the Zone Air Temperature is successfully kept within the temperature range desired. Air-Chillers with Cooling Capacity of 1.5 and 2 kW (Figs. 2 and 3) have strugeled a littel bit especially during noon, when the heat loads are at their maximum. Fig.4 in which the Air-Chiller has the perfect Cooling Capacity of 2.5 kW.

However, when I reduce the Air-Chiller Cooling Capacity to 1 kW or below, the model yields some abnormal results, as depicted in Fig.1. I understand that the Air-Chiller is not capable of maintaining the internal temperature at -20°C ±2°C, but it's surprising that the provided cooling has surpassed the capabilities of the Air-Chiller (1 kW), reaching up to 1.5 kW as shown in Figure 1.

Can anyone shed light on this discrepancy and provide insights into the unexpected cooling behavior in such scenarios?

Thank you.

Fig.1: Air-Chiller Cooling Capacity = 1 kW image description

Fig.2: Air-Chiller Cooling Capacity = 1.5 kW image description

Fig.3: Air-Chiller Cooling Capacity = 2 kW image description

Fig.4: Air-Chiller Cooling Capacity = 2.5 kW image description

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Zakaria, I prepared a model years ago using the Refrigerated Warehouse scheme and had great difficulty using it. I spoke to Dr Mike Witte at the time about it and he said something like: "Those calculations in E+ are not so reliable and our expert / coder is no longer available for consultation." For your model, however, a very small freezer, I recommend using the supermarket / casework objects. I have used those very successfully. I can share some IDF object if that would be helpful. Contact me at

Jim Dirkes's avatar Jim Dirkes  ( 2024-01-29 06:42:38 -0600 )edit

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answered 2024-01-29 10:11:36 -0600

Zakaria's avatar

updated 2024-02-01 05:20:09 -0600

Thank you @Jim Dirkes for your comment.

Indeed, as you said, that is unusual to model a small walk-in using the airchiller object, but I have chosen this model since I intend to monitor the zone internal temperature and since the walkin object is not capable of doing such a thing.

I also have some confusion on how E+ calculates the actual total cooling capacity for the European Standard Ratings If you could please help,.

In the documentation, the total capacity is calculated using the Rated Capacity and temperature difference (deltaT = the air inlet temperature - evaporating temperature)

image description

On the codesource, the actual total cooling capacity is calculated using CoilCapTotEstimate = SHRCorrection * SensibleCapacityMax where SHRCorrection and SensibleCapacityMax is the Rated sensible capacity, but I can not find how the actual sensible cooling rate is calculated.

image description


After I reviewed the code - even though I dont know nothing on C++ codeing - I might say that I kinda understand how E+ calculate the actual total capacity, so I made the flowchart below.

image description

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Short comment: I don't think I can help further with your specific interest. :( For your consideration: Energy models are NOT intended to replicate the important nuances of real controls and equipment, so looking too closely at model results may not be so helpful. Since I lack confidence in the objects you're using, I am even less confident in E+ results. The objects in which I have more confidence (as you note) don't have the walkin's internal temperature - making it more difficult for you. It may be the case that software like TRNSYS can help; sorry I can't do more for you!

Jim Dirkes's avatar Jim Dirkes  ( 2024-02-01 06:50:12 -0600 )edit

I wonder if you might adapt a "standard" DX cooling system which serves a zone defined with: - proper R-value walls - correct COP and fan power - applicable part and full load curves


Jim Dirkes's avatar Jim Dirkes  ( 2024-02-01 06:53:28 -0600 )edit

answered 2024-01-29 07:59:24 -0600

Jim Dirkes's avatar

The capacity of any refrigeration object is normally specified as the "rated" or "nominal" capacity because that capacity is applicable only at the AHRI test / rating conditions. Nonetheless, for your 1kW chiller, it's surprising to see such a big discrepancy. See my earlier comment - a 1kw compressor is very unusual for a compressor intended for use in a refrigerated warehouse (very small)

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I've set Rated DeltaT (ΔT) to 6 K. According to the E+ documentation, ΔT is calculated as (Tcoil,inlet - Tevap), where the air chiller has Tevap = -24 °C. Using the equation for total actual capacity below (Qact,tot), assuming wet coil factor is 1 and Tcoil,inlet is Tzone (-13.5, as indicated in Figure 1), and considering no infiltrations are defined, we get Qact,tot = Qrated * (Tcoil,inlet - Tevap)/ΔT = 1 * (-13.5 + 24)/6 = 1.75 kW. Thus, the actual total capacity exceeds 1 kW, aligning with the observation in Figure 1.

Zakaria's avatar Zakaria  ( 2024-02-01 05:39:36 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2024-01-28 11:25:16 -0600

Seen: 114 times

Last updated: Feb 01 '24