Shading Control Type issue : OnIfHighOutdoorAirTempAndHighHorizontalSolar [closed]

asked 2024-01-17 07:52:51 -0600

updated 2024-01-19 07:21:38 -0600

Dear all,

I encounter an issue when trying to adapt the "EMSWindowShadeControl.idf" model using the OnIfHighOutdoorAirTempAndHighHorizontalSolar control. The results I obtain are surprising because the shading device is ON (graph #3) when the outdoor temperature is below 25°C.

    INCIDENT SOLAR ON BLIND-West Zone,  !- Name
    West Zone,               !- Zone Name
    1,                       !- Shading Control Sequence Number
    InteriorBlind,           !- Shading Type
    WIN-CON-SINGLEPANE WITH INTERIOR BLIND,  !- Construction with Shading Name
    OnIfHighOutdoorAirTempAndHighHorizontalSolar,  !- Shading Control Type
    ,                        !- Schedule Name
    25,                      !- Setpoint {W/m2, W or deg C}
    NO,                      !- Shading Control Is Scheduled
    NO,                      !- Glare Control Is Active
    ,                        !- Shading Device Material Name
    FixedSlatAngle,          !- Type of Slat Angle Control for Blinds
    ,                        !- Slat Angle Schedule Name
    500,                     !- Setpoint 2 {W/m2, deg C or cd/m2}
    ,                        !- Daylighting Control Object Name
    Sequential,              !- Multiple Surface Control Type
    Zn001:Wall001:Win001;    !- Fenestration Surface 1 Name
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Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by smartiz
close date 2024-01-24 07:41:21.932903


@smartiz you mention a "graph #3", but there isn't any graph in your post. Can you edit your post to attach or provide a URL for the image?

Aaron Boranian's avatar Aaron Boranian  ( 2024-01-19 07:22:43 -0600 )edit

Thank you for your response. Since my post, I managed to resolve my issue by examining the "WindowTests.idf" model. Here is the chart I was expecting.

smartiz's avatar smartiz  ( 2024-01-19 08:44:06 -0600 )edit