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Some questions about error about schedule

asked 2023-12-25 07:34:04 -0500

ZRong's avatar

updated 2023-12-26 08:20:58 -0500

holle everyone, I have just started learning Open Studio and encountered some problems while conducting simulations. The error report is presented below. May I ask what is the reason for this situation? How should it be modified?

Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 23.1.0-87ed9199d4, YMD=2023.12.25 20:48,
************* Beginning Zone Sizing Calculations
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: DecodeHHMMField, Invalid "until" field value is not a multiple of the minutes for each timestep: 07:15
**   ~~~   ** Other errors may result. Occurred in Day Schedule=SCHEDULE DAY 1
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: DecodeHHMMField, Invalid "until" field value is not a multiple of the minutes for each timestep: 07:45
**   ~~~   ** Other errors may result. Occurred in Day Schedule=SCHEDULE DAY 1
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: DecodeHHMMField, Invalid "until" field value is not a multiple of the minutes for each timestep: 08:15
**   ~~~   ** Other errors may result. Occurred in Day Schedule=SCHEDULE DAY 1
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: DecodeHHMMField, Invalid "until" field value is not a multiple of the minutes for each timestep: 08:45
**   ~~~   ** Other errors may result. Occurred in Day Schedule=SCHEDULE DAY 1
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: DecodeHHMMField, Invalid "until" field value is not a multiple of the minutes for each timestep: 09:15
**   ~~~   ** Other errors may result. Occurred in Day Schedule=SCHEDULE DAY 1
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: DecodeHHMMField, Invalid "until" field value is not a multiple of the minutes for each timestep: 17:15
**   ~~~   ** Other errors may result. Occurred in Day Schedule=SCHEDULE DAY 1
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: DecodeHHMMField, Invalid "until" field value is not a multiple of the minutes for each timestep: 17:45
**   ~~~   ** Other errors may result. Occurred in Day Schedule=SCHEDULE DAY 1
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: DecodeHHMMField, Invalid "until" field value is not a multiple of the minutes for each timestep: 18:15
**   ~~~   ** Other errors may result. Occurred in Day Schedule=SCHEDULE DAY 1
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: DecodeHHMMField, Invalid "until" field value is not a multiple of the minutes for each timestep: 18:45
**   ~~~   ** Other errors may result. Occurred in Day Schedule=SCHEDULE DAY 1
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: DecodeHHMMField, Invalid "until" field value is not a multiple of the minutes for each timestep: 19:15
**   ~~~   ** Other errors may result. Occurred in Day Schedule=SCHEDULE DAY 1
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: DecodeHHMMField, Invalid "until" field value is not a multiple of the minutes for each timestep: 12:45
**   ~~~   ** Other errors may result. Occurred in Day Schedule=SCHEDULE DAY 2
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: DecodeHHMMField, Invalid "until" field value is not a multiple of the minutes for each timestep: 13:15
**   ~~~   ** Other errors may result. Occurred in Day Schedule=SCHEDULE DAY 2
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: DecodeHHMMField, Invalid "until" field value is not a multiple of the minutes for each timestep: 13:45
**   ~~~   ** Other errors may result. Occurred in Day Schedule=SCHEDULE DAY 2
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: DecodeHHMMField, Invalid "until" field value is not a multiple of the minutes for each timestep: 14:15
**   ~~~   ** Other errors may result. Occurred in Day Schedule=SCHEDULE DAY 2
** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: DecodeHHMMField, Invalid "until" field value is not a multiple of the minutes for each timestep: 17:15
**   ~~~   ** Other errors may result. Occurred in Day ...
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1 Answer

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answered 2023-12-26 09:01:06 -0500

These warnings are raised (Line ~3458) when there is a mismatch between simulation timesteps and sub hourly schedule specifications. In your case, you may be running 6 timesteps per hour (i.e. each timestep == 10 minutes), while "day" schedule entries remain based on 15 minutes. The simplest is to modify the simulation timestep to e.g. 15 (or 5) minutes.

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Thank you very much for your explanation. I understand how to do it now

ZRong's avatar ZRong  ( 2023-12-27 20:30:57 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2023-12-25 07:34:04 -0500

Seen: 112 times

Last updated: Dec 26 '23