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Heat pipe system OpenStudio

asked 2023-12-05 04:46:04 -0500

DPalma's avatar

updated 2023-12-05 07:42:27 -0500


I'm modelling an AHU (Air Handling Unit) which has a system called "heat pipe" as you can see in the picture below.

C:\fakepath\Esquema clima .png

I've been looking for information on how to model this type of system but haven't found anything. Any ideas?

I've seen that in EnergyPlus there is the object: CoilSystem:CoolingWater:HeatExchangerAssiste, which works similarly but i haven't found it in OpenStudio.

Thanks :)

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2 Answers

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answered 2023-12-05 18:20:51 -0500

Greg Estep's avatar

A heat pipe is a refrigeration loop that does not require a compressor. As your image shows, it straddles the cooling coil and is used for dehumidification reheat. I would recommend using the desuperheater object as an alternative to the heat pipe.


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answered 2023-12-05 07:53:45 -0500

The OpenStudio CLI/SDK does support the CoilSystemCoolingWaterHeatExchangerAssisted object. Indeed, it doesn't look like the OpenStudio Application supports it - yet? You're left with 2 options IMO in the short term:

  • develop an API script and/or measure (Ruby, Python, etc.), similar to this .rb file
  • hack your .osm file so it reflects the required components in this corresponding .osm file
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Thank you for your answer. Do you think there might be a way to simplify the system? Maybe use Coil:heating/cooling:DX and force the power consumption to be 0W?

DPalma's avatar DPalma  ( 2023-12-05 08:40:04 -0500 )edit

@DPalma , I defer to more knowledgeable E+ users (re: detailed input on heat pipe exchangers) - hopefully they'll chime in. Re-reading your post, I now notice that I've only answered your 2nd question (re: OpenStudio support). The object does seem to fit your needs, though. Unfortunately, few previous posts on the topic (e.g. here )

Denis Bourgeois's avatar Denis Bourgeois  ( 2023-12-05 09:13:01 -0500 )edit

I also think it could be an option. Although I am concerned about the heat exchange between the warm outside air and the cold supply air. I would be omitting the part where the air gives up heat through a refrigerant (they are after all different thermal properties and conditions).

DPalma's avatar DPalma  ( 2023-12-05 09:18:00 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2023-12-05 04:46:04 -0500

Seen: 116 times

Last updated: Dec 11 '23