Limiting PMV value when using zonecontrol:thermostat:thermalcomfort

asked 2023-12-04 00:27:24 -0600

updated 2023-12-04 09:56:23 -0600

My goal is controlling HVAC system(In this case, It's Low Temp Radiant Floor) based on PMV.

So I searched for it, and found out that I can achieve it using Zonecontrol:Thermostat:Thermalcontrol.

Those two sites are the ones that I have referenced.

So Apparently I have set every schedule that I need, simulation works, but I want to set upper and below limit for PMV Value.(upper for 0.5, below for -0.5)

First I thought setting ScheduleTypeLimit -0.5~+0.5 and setting PMV heating value to 0 would do the job but It didn't.

It still goes below -0.5. What would be the solution for this problem?

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Update my self I changed my Low temp radiant floor to PTHP, Thermal comfort control works just fine. Only problem that I have right now is low temp radiant floor. Maybe radiant floor does not support thermal comfort control?

Cinque735's avatar Cinque735  ( 2023-12-06 01:02:51 -0600 )edit