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Humidity setpoint not met

asked 2023-11-24 09:13:40 -0600

therealtorte's avatar

updated 2023-11-27 09:25:33 -0600

Hi everyone, I'm new to BEM and OpenStudio. I have made a model to calculate ideal loads of a building. I set humidification and dehumidification setpoints in OpenStudio, creating percentage schedules, but after running the simulation I see that the zone air relative humidity is out of my range in many hours. Can anyone suggest what am I doing wrong? Consider that I am new to this world there could be some trivial errors.

EDIT: Also, is there a way to show latent cooling as hourly variable?

Thanks! Model LINK HERE

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answered 2023-11-27 08:36:49 -0600

Joshua Bohnert's avatar

I would suggest plotting zone dew point rather than zone relative humidity, as, on a psychrometric chart, relative humidity varies with dry bulb. There are many parts to this one question: operation of humidifiers in the winter, off-coil temperature in cooling, how airflows were sized, what controllers and sensors exist... How does the building in real life monitor and control to relative humidity?

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Asked: 2023-11-24 09:13:40 -0600

Seen: 486 times

Last updated: Nov 27 '23