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How to use EMS application in Openstudio

asked 2023-10-24 20:59:05 -0600

LEED_GA's avatar

I am very new to Openstudio

I have successfully modeled HVAC and the envelope without unmet hours reported for 10 stories.

However, How do I use EMS application?

I downloaded it simply and applied it in the tab for openstudio measures tab in the measure tab and they don't work...

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answered 2023-10-25 13:25:57 -0600

Craig Simmons's avatar

EMS is fairly complicated. There are multiple ways to implement it (Python, EnergyPlus, OS Measures). But, there are many nuances with which variables to alter and when in the calculation cycles to alter them.

Are you Experienced with EnergyPlus and just new to OpenStudio? Or are you new to both?

If you already know what you're doing in E+, then it's not very difficult to write OS Measures to implement EMS. It's a little odd since you basically write code to write code, but there are advantages to doing it in the OS "Model" space.

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I am trying to implement the demand management measure by linking my custom electricity tariff measure to decide when to curtail.

This is my plan to implement. (I heard that the curtailment action sequences must be written in E+measure file, because the OSM measure file becomes converted into E+measure, once the simulation runs.

How can I call the values typed by the user argument in my custom utility tariff (E+measure) into the different E+measure file and set the range to compare its season and time based on the values called in?

LEED_GA's avatar LEED_GA  ( 2023-10-27 01:32:17 -0600 )edit

Could you post a link to the specific measure you are working with?

Craig Simmons's avatar Craig Simmons  ( 2023-10-27 05:28:07 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2023-10-24 20:59:05 -0600

Seen: 198 times

Last updated: Oct 25 '23