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Problem of humidity control in the 5ZoneCoolingPanelBaseboard.idf example [closed]

asked 2023-10-23 07:50:23 -0600

looooic's avatar

Hi everybody,

I am trying to make a air loop with a water coil to control the humidity. I found the 5ZoneCoolingPanelBaseboard.idf case in the energyplus example. It is said in this example that the humidity is control to be below 50% for the space 2-1. This is normally done with a humidistat and a set point manager. But when we run and check the results of this example, the humidity is not controlled and part time over 50 %. image description.

Is it normal ?

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Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by looooic
close date 2023-10-24 02:50:28.471794

1 Answer

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answered 2023-10-23 10:09:47 -0600

looooic's avatar

This works well, actually there is a schedule that makes work the humidity control only during the day.

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Asked: 2023-10-23 07:50:23 -0600

Seen: 169 times

Last updated: Oct 23 '23