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Modeling of Half-Cut PV Systems through EnergyPlus

asked 2023-09-30 03:28:21 -0600

Gozde Gali T's avatar

updated 2023-09-30 20:56:19 -0600

Hello, We are using a half-cut PV system in the project we are modeling in EnergyPlus. The total amount of cells are 120 in one module. The total amount of cells are 60 in one half of the module, and there are 3 serial connections of 20 cells each in that half. The module is monocrystalline and the installed power of this module is 360 W. We present its technical specifications below for your information:

  • Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) (V): 41.2
  • Short Circuit Current (Isc) (A): 11.16
  • Module Voltage at Maximum Power (Vmp) (V): 34.2
  • Module Current at Maximum Power (Imp) (A): 10.53
  • Temperature Coefficient of Open Circuit Voltage: -0.28 %/°C (we entered this data as -0.0028 V/K, is it correct?)
  • Temperature Coefficient of Short Circuit Current: +0.05 %/°C (we entered this data as +0.0005 A/K, is it correct?)

How should a half cut PV module with these specifications be modeled using the EquivalentOne-Diode option in EnergyPlus?

When the PV module used is half-cut, what should be the number of cells in one series for this PV with the above technical specifications?

How should parallel and series connections be included in the model in EnergyPlus for this PV?

Thank you.

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Did you ever resolve this issue? I am thinking that the EquivalentOne-Diode model doesn't work for half cell panels. I'm getting errors when entering my input data for a panel with 108 half cells (2 x 54 cells).

Greg Estep's avatar Greg Estep  ( 2024-11-27 12:12:05 -0600 )edit

Hello Greg, yes unfortunately EquivalentOneDiode does not work for PV panels which have more than 36 cells. So, doesn't work for half-cuts.

Gozde Gali T's avatar Gozde Gali T  ( 2024-11-28 00:32:05 -0600 )edit

Thanks for confirming this for me. Did you proceed using a simple model or the Sandia? DesignBuilder only offers simple and EquivalentOneDiode. Also, do you know why this is the case? I'm just curious now.

Greg Estep's avatar Greg Estep  ( 2024-12-02 14:44:48 -0600 )edit

I don't think the translation from Temperature Coefficient in units of [%/C] to units of [V/K] is correct (same thing with Short Circuit Current). You need to multiply the percent by the Voc or Isc, not by 1/100.

sashadf1's avatar sashadf1  ( 2024-12-06 12:52:02 -0600 )edit

Hello Sashadf, thank you very much for your contribution. We noticed this error and corrected it.

Gozde Gali T's avatar Gozde Gali T  ( 2024-12-06 13:49:46 -0600 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2024-12-05 12:32:59 -0600

Greg Estep's avatar

Hi Gozde Gali T, I was able to get the simulation to work. Perhaps you were making the same mistake as I, incorrectly entering the temperature coefficients. I entered them as SI units, while working in IP. Fixing this mistake avoided the error.

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Hello Greg, thank you for writing. We also detected an error in our temperature coefficient input. Once we corrected it, it worked. However, in a half-cut PV with 120 cells, it works when we enter the number of cells as 60. In this case, do you think the system is operating as half-cut? In this way, we achieved a maximum annual production of 373 Wp (DC) with a 375 Wp panel. We selected our inverter with a 96% efficiency, and we obtained a production of 369.95 Wp (AC). What are your results?

Gozde Gali T's avatar Gozde Gali T  ( 2024-12-06 13:45:27 -0600 )edit

I think model is sufficiently accurate. I'm reading that the advantages of half cut cells are a reduction in current. Since the inputs to the EOD model represent the performance of the half cut module, I think it works. Entering the total number of full cells and the representative active area, should do it. My results of the EOD simulation were close to the results of the simple method. I'm satisfied.

Greg Estep's avatar Greg Estep  ( 2024-12-08 14:02:26 -0600 )edit

Thank you, Greg. I have one more question. In Half-Cut panels, when one of the parallel connected sections is shaded, the other section continues to operate. So, for example, if the upper part of the panel is shaded, the lower part keeps working. Do you think the system operates correctly in EnergyPlus under such shading conditions?

Gozde Gali T's avatar Gozde Gali T  ( 2024-12-13 08:52:34 -0600 )edit

I think your shading point is another benefit of half cut cells. I don't know how the EOD handles shading. A quick review of the Eng Ref for the EOD shows that the photocurrent depends linearly on incident radiation. I'm guessing the incident radiation is averaged across the PV array, which may calculate a photocurrent less than an actual half cut cell. What do you think?

Greg Estep's avatar Greg Estep  ( 2024-12-13 09:24:01 -0600 )edit

I think the same with you. I think that the system efficiency decreases more during shading compared to a standard half-cut. Therefore, there will be a significant difference between the cases where the surrounding buildings are modeled and those where they are not. However, for now we agree that it works correctly except for shading.

Gozde Gali T's avatar Gozde Gali T  ( 2024-12-16 14:42:06 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2023-09-30 03:28:21 -0600

Seen: 144 times

Last updated: Dec 06 '24