Trouble setting baseline model in PAT

asked 9 years ago

ethankheil's avatar

updated 7 years ago

When attempting to select my baseline model in the Parametric Analysis Tool (PAT), I receive the following error:

Unhandled Exception

An unhandled exception has occurred.

boost::filesystem::copy_file: Acess is denied: "C:/Users...\test.osm", "C:/Users...\PATtest\seed\test.osm"

When I check the "seed" folder, however, I do see that the "test.osm" file has been copied over. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Sorry for the problems you are seeing. I have a few questions.

  1. What version of OpenStudio are you using, and what platform?
  2. Is this a fresh PAT project or one upgraded from an older version of OpenStudio?
  3. If you try a different seed model does it still crash, or is it unique to one seed model?
  4. Try to throw away the directory next to the OSM file that you want to use as a seed (or just copy the OSM file using a file manager so there is no matching folder). Then try to load it as a seed. Does it still crash?
David Goldwasser's avatar David Goldwasser  ( 9 years ago )

Thank you David,

  1. I am using OpenStudio Version 1.8.0 on a Windows 8.1 machine.
  2. I have tried both fresh PAT (from scratch) and those made with OpenStudio version 1.7.0, but have experienced the same error in both cases.
  3. I have tried 3 different seed models, all of which have experienced the same error. After messing around a little bit more, I could get one model that was saved in OS 1.8.0 to run smoothly, while all the models saved as OS 1.7.0 seem to have this error.
  4. I'm not entirely sure I understand what you mean by "throw away the directory next to the OSM file"
ethankheil's avatar ethankheil  ( 9 years ago )

I have tried to update the OS 1.7.0 models to OS 1.8.0 by opening OS, allowing the update to occur and saving the file, but the saved file remains OS 1.7.0.

ethankheil's avatar ethankheil  ( 9 years ago )

image description

David Goldwasser's avatar David Goldwasser  ( 9 years ago )

Thanks David,

Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to help.

Best, Ethan

ethankheil's avatar ethankheil  ( 9 years ago )