Energy Plus Radiant System and HVAC Template for one zone [closed]

asked 2023-09-20 11:35:05 -0500

rhinozeros's avatar

Hello everyone, I have a quick question: Is it possible to have a HVAC Template (VAV) and a Low Radiant System in the same zone? Both access the same shedules, but ich get an error for zones, where both systems work parallel.

* Severe * ZoneControl:Thermostat="THERMAL ZONE 10 THERMOSTAT" invalid Zone or ZoneList Name="THERMAL ZONE 10" zone previously assigned. * ~~~ * ...Zone was previously assigned to Thermostat="THERMAL ZONE 10 THERMOSTATFUSBODENH.". * Severe * ZoneControl:Thermostat="THERMAL ZONE 41 THERMOSTAT" invalid Zone or ZoneList Name="THERMAL ZONE 41" zone previously assigned. * ~~~ * ...Zone was previously assigned to Thermostat="THERMAL ZONE 41 THERMOSTATFUSBODENH.". * Severe * ZoneControl:Thermostat="THERMAL ZONE 29 THERMOSTAT" invalid Zone or ZoneList Name="THERMAL ZONE 29" zone previously assigned. * ~~~ * ...Zone was previously assigned to Thermostat="THERMAL ZONE 29 THERMOSTATFUSBODENH.". * Severe * GetStagedDualSetpoint: Errors with invalid names in ZoneControl:Thermostat:StagedDualSetpoint objects. * ~~~ * ...These will not be read in. Other errors may occur.

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Closed for the following reason duplicate question by Aaron Boranian
close date 2023-09-20 16:08:52.743478


Duplicate of this post.

Aaron Boranian's avatar Aaron Boranian  ( 2023-09-20 16:09:03 -0500 )edit