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I have a question regarding an error that I keep getting in energypro 9

asked 2023-08-23 17:47:56 -0600

updated 2023-08-25 15:37:24 -0600

In EP 9, I am running a title 24 performance calc and when I run it, I get the error as seen below:

Error: Construction assembly 'R-19 Wall6' may not be assigned to surfaces with more than one Status, i.e. New, Altered or Existing evaluating run u rule: Set CHECKCODE ConsAssm:Status (20:'ConstructAssembly.rule' line 3332)

I just need some help understanding what this means. Thank you guys for your time and energy

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answered 2023-08-24 13:49:17 -0600

LukeInCali's avatar

updated 2023-08-24 13:58:10 -0600

This means that you have that Assembly (R-19 Wall6) assigned to exterior wall surfaces that are both new and altered. Create separate Constructions for Altered and Existing walls and assign them accordingly (even if they're identical to the New walls).

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Asked: 2023-08-23 17:47:56 -0600

Seen: 84 times

Last updated: Aug 24 '23