pv window simulation error
Hello, can others help with my steps?
At first, I set it up like this in Generator:Photovoltaic:
**name** PVwindow **surface name** Sub Surface 1 **Photovoltaic Performance Object Type** PhotovoltaicPerformance:EquivalentOne-Diode **Module Performance Name** IntegratedSurfaceOutsideFace .....
But the following error occurs:
Must use a surface with internal source construction for IntegratedSurfaceOutsideFace mode in PVwindow1
Then, I put my ConstructionProperty: InternetHeatSource Construction in the name changed to pv window, but the energyplus tip error:
Windows are not allowed to have embedded sources/sinks.
Finally, I change the Construction name to that of the external wall and the Surface name of the Generator:Photovoltaic to that of the wall corresponding to the window, which will work. But ths should not be correct, if anyone knows what the correct setting is, please let me know. Thanks!
@lucy it looks like you are using a scripting approach to generate an EnergyPlus input file. Is that correct? Can you mention the software tools that you are using and/or add a tag for them to your post?