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CalculateZoneVolume: The Zone="THERMAL ZONE 1" is not fully enclosed.

asked 2023-07-19 03:23:04 -0600

NuriaNunez's avatar

updated 2024-10-18 11:52:28 -0600


I am making a model of a building in SketchUp, which has 90 rooms with the same height. This rooms are grouped in different thermal zones. When I group two or more enclosures, I get the following warning:

** Warning ** CalculateZoneVolume: The Zone="THERMAL ZONE 1" is not fully enclosed. To be fully enclosed, each edge of a surface must also be an edge on one other surface.
**   ~~~   **   The zone volume was calculated using the floor area times ceiling height method where the floor and ceiling are the same except for the z-coordinates.
**   ~~~   **   The surface "SURFACE 20" has an edge that was used 4 times: it is an edge on three or more surfaces: 
**   ~~~   **     It was found on the following Surfaces: 'SURFACE 24' 'SURFACE 3' 'SURFACE 5' 
**   ~~~   **     Vertex start { 12.6216, 4.7843, 3.0000}
**   ~~~   **     Vertex end   { 12.6216, -9.0239E-017, 3.0000}
**   ~~~   **   The surface "SURFACE 20" has an edge that was used 4 times: it is an edge on three or more surfaces: 
**   ~~~   **     It was found on the following Surfaces: 'SURFACE 23' 'SURFACE 3' 'SURFACE 6' 
**   ~~~   **     Vertex start { 12.6216, -9.0239E-017, 3.0000}
**   ~~~   **     Vertex end   { 12.6216, -9.0239E-017, 0.0000}
**   ~~~   **   The surface "SURFACE 20" has an edge that was used 4 times: it is an edge on three or more surfaces: 
**   ~~~   **     It was found on the following Surfaces: 'SURFACE 19' 'SURFACE 3' 'SURFACE 1' 
**   ~~~   **     Vertex start { 12.6216, -9.0239E-017, 0.0000}
**   ~~~   **     Vertex end   { 12.6216, 4.7843, 0.0000}
**   ~~~   **   The surface "SURFACE 20" has an edge that was used 4 times: it is an edge on three or more surfaces: 
**   ~~~   **     It was found on the following Surfaces: 'SURFACE 21' 'SURFACE 3' 'SURFACE 4' 
**   ~~~   **     Vertex start { 12.6216, 4.7843, 0.0000}
**   ~~~   **     Vertex end   { 12.6216, 4.7843, 3.0000}

I get this error in all thermal zones. I have tried to do what is recommended in this video: , but this type of error is only solved if I create as many thermal zones as enclosures.

Is that a good solution? How would it affect the modeling of the air conditioning system?


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@NuriaNunez are you using the SketchUp plug-in for EnergyPlus (Euclid) or OpenStudio?

How are you defining and grouping the enclosures, since there are not "enclosure" objects in either EnergyPlus or OpenStudio?

Aaron Boranian's avatar Aaron Boranian  ( 2023-07-19 16:55:36 -0600 )edit

I using the SketchUp plug-in for OpenStudio. I have defined them as exterior walls.

NuriaNunez's avatar NuriaNunez  ( 2023-08-17 03:56:13 -0600 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2023-12-28 03:04:03 -0600

ZRong's avatar

I also encountered the problem of "hot areas not being closed". You said "this type of error is only solved if I create as many thermal zones as enclosures",do you mean that the number of heat zones created is the same as the number of rooms?

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Asked: 2023-07-19 03:23:04 -0600

Seen: 174 times

Last updated: Jul 19 '23