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Simultaneous modelling of external and internal shading for windows in DesignBuilder

asked 2023-07-03 07:06:36 -0600

Hi all,

I'm wondering what is the best way to take into consideration both the external shading devices (aluminium C-shaped slats) and internal shading (blackout curtains) in DesignBuilder (v7.0.2.006) at the same time.

In the Openings tab under Shading, I can either choose: 1-Inside 2-Mid-pane 3-Outside

I double checked, and in Ladybug Tools, if I were to use the HB Window Construction Shade, it has these 3 options as well, and I cannot apply two nodes next to each other - although the Construction object looks like this (dummy), the position only changes the order of the glazing vs. shading material (layer 1 and 2):

Aperture: Aperture_8a4c452e, !- name
U 0.36 SHGC 0.38 Simple Glazing, !- layer 1
ShadeMaterial_04f2673e;   !- layer 2

I thought applying more than 1 Shade materials is permitted in the construction object, but now I'm confused. Here is the WindowMaterial:Blind object:

This is the Window Construction Shade description for Honeybee:

Can someone point me to the referring section in the Engineering Reference - I am lost here?

What is a good way to model both at the same time? Should I use WINDOW for this purpose?

(I would expect the exterior shading to have significant effect and the interior to contribute much less.)


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answered 2023-07-05 00:04:18 -0600

Dave's avatar

Hi, in DesignBuilder you define internal and external shading separately in the Openings tab. Internal shading options can be seen under the "Window Shading" header, and external shading options under the "Local Shading" header. You can find more information on these inputs by searching for "shading" in the Program Help: You can also see how these can be applied in our free online video tutorials: As a general guide, I would always start with the Help and tutorials when you are new to DesignBuilder, and then if necessary you can access our on-demand training that covers the subjects in more depth:

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Asked: 2023-07-03 07:06:36 -0600

Seen: 225 times

Last updated: Jul 05 '23