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Revit energy analysis

asked 2023-06-21 18:15:52 -0600

prophet's avatar

I am having Revit 2022 and using it for HVAC load calculation. Do you guy think the report result it accurate or should I consider other energy modeling tools?

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answered 2023-06-23 16:18:20 -0600

Kaue Queiroz's avatar


In Canada, I personally never heard of anyone using Revit for loads calculation. Someone started a topic here a while back asking for differences between softwares that do loads calculation and surprisingly, even powerful energy simulation tools such as IESVE are not among the preferred options among mechanical engineers for loads calculation.

What I see quite often is TRACE and HAP being used for that purpose, while EnergyPlus, Design Builder eQuest and IES are the most used ones for energy modelling.

Cheers, Kaue

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Hi Kaue,

Thanks for chatting, we were using Trace 700 for load calculation as a company standard. Starting from 2023, the old Trace phased out and Trace 3D is the substitution. For some reason we did not make the same change.

I used HAP in my pervious company like 5 years ago and I don't know what is the trend there. But I would assume new energy modeling tools are all 3D based.

Personally, I am not familiar with eQuest and EnergyPlus.I heard other companies use them.

I feel the load is quite low from Revit analysis. So I asked this question and want to see if others have similar issue.

prophet's avatar prophet  ( 2023-06-23 18:09:45 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2023-06-21 18:15:52 -0600

Seen: 223 times

Last updated: Jun 23 '23