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How to add a setpoint manager after cooling coil in an airloop through openstudio sdk python

asked 2023-06-13 20:41:14 -0600

Kunyu's avatar

updated 2023-06-14 11:57:56 -0600

I would like to add a setpoint manager to control the humidity ratio after the cooling coil in an air loop, and I'm doing this through openstudio sdk python.

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The python code for this is like: object.addToNode(node)

My question is that how to get the oulet node object of the cooling coil instead of supply outlet node of the air loop?


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answered 2024-05-24 07:14:47 -0600

mattkoch's avatar

The cooling coil appears to be a CoilCoolingWater. As such, it is a WaterToAirComponent. And as such, it inherits the airInletModelObject(), airOutletModelObject(), waterInletModelObject() and waterOutletModelObject() methods. I do not kow whether these always return a node, but here is a Pyhton snippet to see what gives.

import openstudio
cooling_coil_name = "CHWC-1"
cooling_coil = model.getCoilCoolingWaterByName(cooling_coil_name)
if cooling_coil.is_initialized():
  cooling_coil = cooling_coil.get()
  cooling_coil_node = cooling_coil.airOutletModelObject()
  if cooling_coil_node.is_initialized():
    cooling_coil_node = cooling_coil_node.get()
    if isinstance(cooling_coil_node,openstudio.openstudiomodelhvac.Node):
      print("Congratulations, this is a Node: ",cooling_coil_node)
      cooling_coil_node = cooling_coil_node.to_Node()
      if cooling_coil_node.is_initialized():
        cooling_coil_node = cooling_coil_node.get()
        print("Congratulations perhaps, this may be a Node: ",cooling_coil_node)
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Asked: 2023-06-13 20:41:14 -0600

Seen: 119 times

Last updated: May 24 '24