Modelica Buildings library - CHP Application?
We have a Combined Heat and Power model currently implemented in Thermoflex (a component based, steady state, iterative solver). We are investigating re-implementing the model in Modelica. The Buildings Library seemed like it should have most of the components we need, but I'm not sure...if I understand it correctly:
- The Library does not work with Modelica Standard Fluids and implements it's own Fluid model
- The Li bray only works with single phase fluids, water or steam, no phase change
- The "Boiler" models are Economizers, there are no Evaporator models
If I'm correct, is there a way to interface a Library component to a Modelica Standard Fluid component?
Our current model has the Components listed below, I've found some in other Modelica Libraries, but I can't find a Condensing Steam Turbine...any suggestions?
Components Steam Boiler Condensing Steam Turbine (turbine driven centrifugal pumps, electric generator, Chillers) Electric chillers Condenser FinFan cooler (Air/Water or glycol mix) Steam/Water separator Deaerator Steam fed Closed Feedwater heater Cooling Tower
Thank you, Frank