E+ API, changing System Node Temperature Setpoint, doesn't change energy meter?
Hey, I'm currently using python E+ API for creating a reinforcement learning agent.
The problem is the agent is altering the actuator which I have set as
"sat_spt": (
"System Node Setpoint",
"Temperature Setpoint",
"zone inlet node_unit1"
and I am keeping track of the electric consumption for HVAC:
self.meters = {
# HVAC elec (J)
"elec": "Electricity:HVAC",
I tried having the Setpoint Temperature to set values like 15 degrees, and 30 degrees for the other simulation, but when I sum up the Electrcity:HVAC value for each simulation with different setpoint temperature value, the energy consumption value come out to be the same.
I'm not sure why this is the case.
@LeSUTHU have you confirmed that the actual system node temperature of that node ("zone inlet node_unit1") is following the setpoint actuator? If not, you'll need to use a different actuator approach, like what @shorowit suggested.