Adding multiple PV panels to one system

asked 2023-05-21 15:52:44 -0500

Ataberk Y.'s avatar

updated 2023-05-22 09:22:43 -0500

Hello everyone,

I am currently facing an issue while attempting to incorporate multiple PV panels into a system connected to a battery. The simulation appears to work correctly when I use only one panel. However, when I increase the number of panels, the overall output decreases significantly (for example, I obtain 306 kWh annually from a single panel, but only 169 kWh from three panels combined).

I would greatly appreciate any insights or suggestions regarding the potential reasons for this discrepancy. Below, I have provided the text format of the relevant part of the simulation for reference.



PV_1,                    !- Name
PV_1_02a57cc9,           !- Surface Name
PhotovoltaicPerformance:EquivalentOne-Diode,  !- Photovoltaic Performance Object Type
Performance1,            !- Module Performance Name
Decoupled,               !- Heat Transfer Integration Mode
1,                       !- Number of Series Strings in Parallel {dimensionless}
1;                       !- Number of Modules in Series {dimensionless}

PV_2,                    !- Name
PV_2_2934d52e,           !- Surface Name
PhotovoltaicPerformance:EquivalentOne-Diode,  !- Photovoltaic Performance Object Type
Performance2,            !- Module Performance Name
Decoupled,               !- Heat Transfer Integration Mode
1,                       !- Number of Series Strings in Parallel {dimensionless}
1;                       !- Number of Modules in Series {dimensionless}

PV_3,                    !- Name
PV_3_b5c547e8,           !- Surface Name
PhotovoltaicPerformance:EquivalentOne-Diode,  !- Photovoltaic Performance Object Type
Performance3,            !- Module Performance Name
Decoupled,               !- Heat Transfer Integration Mode
1,                       !- Number of Series Strings in Parallel {dimensionless}
1;                       !- Number of Modules in Series {dimensionless}


Performance1,            !- Name
CrystallineSilicon,      !- Cell type
36,                      !- Number of Cells in Series {dimensionless}
2.892,                   !- Active Area {m2}
1,                       !- Transmittance Absorptance Product {dimensionless}
1.12,                    !- Semiconductor Bandgap {eV}
1000000,                 !- Shunt Resistance {ohms}
10.67,                   !- Short Circuit Current {A}
24.03,                   !- Open Circuit Voltage {V}
25,                      !- Reference Temperature {C}
1000,                    !- Reference Insolation {W/m2}
9.64,                    !- Module Current at Maximum Power {A}
20.75,                   !- Module Voltage at Maximum Power {V}
0.00512,                 !- Temperature Coefficient of Short Circuit Current {A/K}
-.06728,                 !- Temperature Coefficient of Open Circuit Voltage {V/K}
20,                      !- Nominal Operating Cell Temperature Test Ambient Temperature {C}
45,                      !- Nominal Operating Cell Temperature Test Cell Temperature {C}
800,                     !- Nominal Operating Cell Temperature Test Insolation {W/m2}
30,                      !- Module Heat Loss Coefficient {W/m2-K}
50000;                   !- Total Heat Capacity {J/m2-K}

Performance2,            !- Name
CrystallineSilicon,      !- Cell type
36,                      !- Number of Cells in Series {dimensionless}
2.892,                   !- Active Area {m2}
1,                       !- Transmittance Absorptance Product {dimensionless}
1.12,                    !- Semiconductor Bandgap {eV}
1000000,                 !- Shunt Resistance {ohms}
10.67,                   !- Short Circuit Current {A}
24.03,                   !- Open Circuit Voltage {V}
25,                      !- Reference Temperature {C}
1000,                    !- Reference Insolation {W/m2}
9.64,                    !- Module Current at Maximum Power {A}
20.75,                   !- Module Voltage at Maximum Power {V}
0.00512,                 !- Temperature Coefficient of Short Circuit Current {A/K}
-.06728,                 !- Temperature Coefficient of Open Circuit Voltage {V/K}
20,                      !- Nominal Operating Cell Temperature Test Ambient Temperature {C}
45,                      !- Nominal Operating Cell Temperature Test Cell Temperature {C}
800,                     !- Nominal Operating Cell Temperature Test Insolation {W/m2}
30,                      !- Module Heat Loss Coefficient {W/m2-K}
50000;                   !- Total Heat Capacity {J/m2-K}

Performance3,            !- Name
CrystallineSilicon,      !- Cell type
36,                      !- Number of Cells in Series {dimensionless}
2.892,                   !- Active Area {m2}
1,                       !- Transmittance ...
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Have you tried reporting various Output:Variables related to these objects to see where the two simulations differ?

shorowit's avatar shorowit  ( 2023-05-24 08:51:47 -0500 )edit

Thank you for your response.

I tried reporting Generator Produced DC Electricity Rate [W] for each panel, Electric Load Center Produced Electricity Rate [W] for total produced energy, and Facility Total Purchased Electricity Rate [W] to see the bought electricity. I'm not expecting exact multiplication in produced energy, however, 3 panels combined produce less annual energy than 1 panel.

I can increase the "Number of Modules in Series" and get the desired result but I need to obtain a similar result with an array of panels by adding to the Generators tab.

Thank you.

Ataberk Y.'s avatar Ataberk Y.  ( 2023-05-24 09:45:08 -0500 )edit