Water to Air heat pump COP Curves
I'm creating a conceptual model for a building utilizing a GSHP and am trying to find load on the ground source heat exchanger and total heating energy from the GSHPs. For the zone and ground source equipment I imported a BCL measure to create the loop and heat pumps. Trying to model the heat pump heating coil with a 4.0 COP but when looking heating coil energy over ground heat exchanger load the model is outputting essential a 2.0 COP for heating. Cooling COP performing much more efficiently than the rated 4.4 COP as well. I'm wondering if there's something up with the input ratio curve for the heat pumps? Here are the values for the "Energy input ratio as a function of Temperature" Curve:
0.99325699999999995, !- Coefficient1 Constant
0.020151200000000001, !- Coefficient2 x
7.72375e-05, !- Coefficient3 x**2
-0.031720699999999998, !- Coefficient4 y
0.00074064900000000002, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-0.000303875, !- Coefficient6 x*y
7, !- Minimum Value of x
27, !- Maximum Value of x
10, !- Minimum Value of y
30; !- Maximum Value of y
Thank you