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OS:FuelFactors not translated to FuelFactors in idf file

asked 2023-05-03 08:59:14 -0500

updated 2023-05-04 07:30:25 -0500

I am trying to modify the default FuelFactors in openstudio. I have written a tool using openstudio sdk. It seems to be working fine in the .osm (it introduces OS:FuelFactors object in the .osm) but when I run the simulation the equivalent instance in the energyPlus file (FuelFactors,) is missing.


  {a5c0b3bc-3c4c-4c77-b3f6-5b88a61b9c45}, !- Handle
  Electricity,                            !- Existing Fuel Resource Name
  1.954,                                  !- Source Energy Factor {J/J}
  ,                                       !- Source Energy Schedule Name
  91.9444444444444,                       !- CO2 Emission Factor {g/MJ}
  ,                                       !- CO2 Emission Factor Schedule Name
  0.0420616,                              !- CO Emission Factor {g/MJ}
  ,                                       !- CO Emission Factor Schedule Name
  0.00139858,                             !- CH4 Emission Factor {g/MJ}
  ,                                       !- CH4 Emission Factor Schedule Name
  0.410753,                               !- NOx Emission Factor {g/MJ}
  ,                                       !- NOx Emission Factor Schedule Name
  0.00241916,                             !- N2O Emission Factor {g/MJ}
  ,                                       !- N2O Emission Factor Schedule Name
  0.865731,                               !- SO2 Emission Factor {g/MJ}
  ,                                       !- SO2 Emission Factor Schedule Name
  0.0295827,                              !- PM Emission Factor {g/MJ}
  ,                                       !- PM Emission Factor Schedule Name
  0.018045,                               !- PM10 Emission Factor {g/MJ}
  ,                                       !- PM10 Emission Factor Schedule Name
  0.0115377,                              !- PM2.5 Emission Factor {g/MJ}
  ,                                       !- PM2.5 Emission Factor Schedule Name
  0.00110837,                             !- NH3 Emission Factor {g/MJ}
  ,                                       !- NH3 Emission Factor Schedule Name
  0.00372332,                             !- NMVOC Emission Factor {g/MJ}
  ,                                       !- NMVOC Emission Factor Schedule Name
  3.36414e-06,                            !- Hg Emission Factor {g/MJ}
  ,                                       !- Hg Emission Factor Schedule Name
  0,                                      !- Pb Emission Factor {g/MJ}
  ,                                       !- Pb Emission Factor Schedule Name
  2.10074,                                !- Water Emission Factor {L/MJ}
  ,                                       !- Water Emission Factor Schedule Name
  0,                                      !- Nuclear High Level Emission Factor {g/MJ}
  ,                                       !- Nuclear High Level Emission Factor Schedule Name
  0;                                      !- Nuclear Low Level Emission Factor {m3/MJ}


FuelFactors is not present in the in.idf file

Any clues? Thanks for your attention.

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answered 2023-05-03 12:36:06 -0500

updated 2023-05-03 12:37:42 -0500

OS:FuelFactors won't be translated to idf unless you also have OS:Output:EnvironmentalImpactFactors and OS:EnvironmentalImpactFactors objects in the model, as those are the three objects EnergyPlus needs to perform the calculations and reporting.

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Thank you very much. Now it work!!!

mapascual's avatar mapascual  ( 2023-05-06 03:29:08 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2023-05-03 08:59:14 -0500

Seen: 56 times

Last updated: May 06 '23