Implementation of HVAC system in open studio layout

asked 2023-04-25 02:30:30 -0500

Pablocm's avatar

updated 2023-04-25 10:55:51 -0500

Hello, I want to make the following layout system in Open studio, but I have not found any question or tutorial with explanation. Could someone help me?

I attach the google drive with the image of the system, as I am new and it does not allow me to add images to this website.

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@Pablocm the two images on the left and right are slightly different. Which one are you trying to model?

  • The image on the left uses a chiller to provide cold water to the zone water-to-air heat pump. The image on the right uses a ground-source heat exchanger.
  • The image on the left uses a boiler to provide hot water to the zone water-to-air heat pump. The image on the right uses a ground-source heat exchanger.
  • The image on the left does not have a supplemental heating coil, but the image on the right does.
Aaron Boranian's avatar Aaron Boranian  ( 2023-04-25 10:58:19 -0500 )edit

@Aaron Boranian , I need to model the system on the right but I don't know how to make the designs in Open Studio.

Could you help me to transform it to open studio?

If it can be with images I would appreciate it.

Thanks for your answer

Pablocm's avatar Pablocm  ( 2023-04-26 11:26:14 -0500 )edit

Hello again, I have done these 3 schemes in OS, but I get the following error

* Severe * PlantPipingSystems::CreatePartitionRegionList: Invalid partition location in domain. * ~~~ * Occurs during mesh development for domain=HorizontalTrenchDomain 1 * ~~~ * A pipe or basement is located outside of the domain

Pablocm's avatar Pablocm  ( 2023-04-27 10:35:36 -0500 )edit