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Custom OS libraries - tips?

asked 9 years ago

updated 9 years ago

I am creating some custom libraries of space types, schedules, and loads that I would like to save as a resource for multiple projects. From what I understand, the best way to do this is create a new OSM model, create all my 'library' content, and save the OSM to the typical library path for easy access (OpenStudio 1.7.0\share\openstudio-1.7.0\OSApp). I can then choose 'load library' in a new model to pull that content in.

This is a little open ended, but are there any tips or tricks to creating custom libraries outside of the process described above? Would I tap into the BCL at all, or simply create OSM model libraries and save them individually on my machine (as described above)? How have other OS users leveraged custom libraries to improve their workflow?

Lastly, all new OSM models seem to be populated with a library of DOE reference / ASHRAE 189.1 schedule sets, constructions, and space types. Is there any way to remove this extraneous content from a new model?

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3 Answers

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answered 9 years ago

A couple things - you can 'load library' from any model file (at any location), which doesn't have to be a specific library OSM in the library directory. So if you want to create a master library of space types, schedules, etc that you've manually created or edited in previous models, you can easily load that model as a 'library' to copy the content into your master without having to duplicate the manual effort.

There's not currently a way to pull OSM data from the BCL Components list like there is with measures, at least not from within the application. You would likely need to download the OSMs (or IDFs, and import into an OSM), and then load them as a 'library'.

Regarding the DOE reference data, this measure will purge your model of orphaned space types and resources.

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Thanks for sharing the measure to purge unused resources @Eric Ringold

Lyle K's avatar Lyle K  ( 9 years ago )

answered 9 years ago

Git rid of all the schedules and constructions you don't need! This is a pain but if you do it once and create a template, then all of the projects want have all of that junk in them. We also added more schedules we use all of the time and made a few things that were annoying to build such as DHW loops. I think the easiest way to use them is just to open the .osm at the start of the project, save as, and then start building the model.

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Thanks for the tip @TaylorRoberts. I like the idea of opening a custom 'template' when starting an OSM model in lieu of creating a new OSM and trying to load libraries and purge unwanted information.

Lyle K's avatar Lyle K  ( 9 years ago )

answered 9 years ago

The answers above are correct, but I wanted to mention an alternative method under development. This repo contains OS measure development work to reproduce the DOE reference buildings. The workflow pulls data definitions from a spreadsheet to automate generation of the model. The approach (specifically the spreadsheet content) can be extended to create other models, e.g. baselines compliant with other standards. The resulting measure set will be formally released around September, but you can inspect the code in its current state in the repo.

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Asked: 9 years ago

Seen: 661 times

Last updated: Jul 03 '15