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Solar PV Addition to home causes simulation to fail

asked 2023-02-27 20:39:18 -0600

danielsalinas96's avatar

updated 2023-04-22 08:09:41 -0600

I'm trying to model PV for a home with a crawlspace foundation, but the optimization algorithm keeps ignoring all PV options I've listed. I created a second case to test what would happen if I mandated PV without an option for no PV, and the simulation failed immediately and produced the following errors. Is this a bug? PV options have been considered for other models I've simulated, the only notable difference being the foundation type. See model here

2/27/2023 7:31 PM:  24.xml:  Warning: No dishwasher specified, the model will not include dishwasher energy use.
2/27/2023 7:31 PM:  24.xml:  Error: Measure Failed with Error: undefined method `+' for nil:NilClass
2/27/2023 7:31 PM:  24.xml:  Error: ** Severe  ** CheckWarmupConvergence: Loads Initialization, Zone="AIR SOURCE HEAT PUMP AIRLOOP RET AIR ZONE" did not converge after 25 warmup days.
2/27/2023 7:31 PM:  24.xml:  Error: **   ~~~   ** See Warmup Convergence Information in .eio file for details.
2/27/2023 7:31 PM:  24.xml:  Error: **   ~~~   ** ...Environment(RunPeriod)="RUN PERIOD 1"
2/27/2023 7:31 PM:  24.xml:  Error: **   ~~~   ** ..Max Temp Comparison = 0.11 vs Temperature Convergence Tolerance=0.40 - Pass Convergence
2/27/2023 7:31 PM:  24.xml:  Error: **   ~~~   ** ..Min Temp Comparison = 0.15 vs Temperature Convergence Tolerance=0.40 - Pass Convergence
2/27/2023 7:31 PM:  24.xml:  Error: **   ~~~   ** ..Max Heat Load Comparison = 0.1249 vs Loads Convergence Tolerance=4.00E-002 - Fail Convergence
2/27/2023 7:31 PM:  24.xml:  Error: **   ~~~   ** ..Max Cool Load Comparison = 4.8705E-002 vs Loads Convergence Tolerance=4.00E-002 - Pass Convergence
2/27/2023 7:31 PM:  24.xml:  Error: ** Severe  ** CheckWarmupConvergence: Loads Initialization, Zone="LIVING SPACE" did not converge after 25 warmup days.
2/27/2023 7:31 PM:  24.xml:  Error: **   ~~~   ** ...Environment(RunPeriod)="RUN PERIOD 1"
2/27/2023 7:31 PM:  24.xml:  Error: **   ~~~   ** ..Max Temp Comparison = 0.35 vs Temperature Convergence Tolerance=0.40 - Pass Convergence
2/27/2023 7:31 PM:  24.xml:  Error: **   ~~~   ** ..Min Temp Comparison = 0.42 vs Temperature Convergence Tolerance=0.40 - Fail Convergence
2/27/2023 7:31 PM:  24.xml:  Error: **   ~~~   ** ..Max Heat Load Comparison = 1.8014E-002 vs Loads Convergence Tolerance=4.00E-002 - Pass Convergence
2/27/2023 7:31 PM:  24.xml:  Error: **   ~~~   ** ..Max Cool Load Comparison = 0.0000 vs Loads Convergence Tolerance=4.00E-002 - Pass Convergence
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Thanks for the bug report, this was not a known issue. We are working on a fix.

shorowit's avatar shorowit  ( 2023-02-28 09:41:22 -0600 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2023-02-28 17:06:29 -0600

Here is a BEopt bugfix version that should fix the issue. Please let us know if for some reason it doesn't help you. We plan to publish an official BEopt bugfix release on the website in the near future, and this fix will be included in it.

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The bug fix seemed to work! Thanks!

danielsalinas96's avatar danielsalinas96  ( 2023-03-01 00:39:41 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2023-02-27 20:39:18 -0600

Seen: 88 times

Last updated: Feb 28 '23